13| Simple Forgiveness

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Laza's POV

The doctor began to take off the neck brace. Anakin sat next to me and Mace, Master Yoda, Obi Wan and Ahsoka stood behind the doctor. She unstrapped the brace and removed it from my neck.

"Okay," she said. She went to touch my neck her fingers barely touched it and I started to back away, it was very painful.

"Okay, I know, I know. I'm sorry, I know it's a little tender," she apologized and and started to press her fingers around my neck.

"Okay, let's try your voice now," she started, "My name is Laza Starkiller, I'm from Tatooine."

"My..." I lightly chocked out. Anakin began running my back.

"Okay, take your time, you've still got a lot of swelling in your vocal cords," she told me.

"My..." my voice started to crack back into its normal sound, "name... is... Laza... Starkiller..." my voice cracked.

She nodded at me letting me know I was fine now before leaving. I looked up at my former Master. "I want..." I barely got out, I tried to clear my throat, "I want to talk to him," I finally, just barely, got out.

"Mm, you can now that he's back to normal. He's been asking for you ever since we got the chip out. It's your choice to let him back into the army," Mace told me.

"What..." I cleared my throat, "what do you think my choice is?" I choked out.

"I know, but we needed the confirmation," Obi Wan said.

"C'mon I'll take you to him," Anakin said.

"Okay..." I choked.

I followed him out of the room. He draped his arm over my shoulder and we walked down a few halls. I sensed everyone behind us, I glanced back, there they were.

Anakin bright me to a door, I opened it and saw Cody asleep. I began to walk in Mace and Anakin began to follow me in.

"Not... gonna happen," I chocked and shut the door in front of them.

Cody woke up from the sound of the door. "General, I'm so happy to see your okay," he said sitting up.

"You call... this... okay," my voice cracked.

"Partially," he said as I sat down on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry, it wasn't me," he apologized.

"I know... which is why I'm putting it all behind me. I know you wouldn't... have done that on," I cleared my throat, "on purpose."

"Thank you for forgiving me, General," he said.

"It's... it was nothing," my voice cracked, at least it was starting to come back. I have him a quick hug before leaving the room.

I saw Ahsoka, "What's... what's this I hear... about you leaving?" I asked her.

"I'm actually leaving now, I'm going to Shili with Shaak Ti to help end the civil war," she told me.

"I'm gonna... miss you, kid," I choked and we hugged.

"I'm gonna miss you too," she said as we pulled apart.

"Be careful..." I told her.

"I will," she assured me.

Her and Anakin shared a quick hug, "goodbye," she told us. I waved while she left the hospital.

"Talon and Maul have told us what the Emperor wants," Mace said.

"What is... that exactly?" I coughed.

"You both don't know about this, but under the Jedi temple is a light side force nexus. And in the nexus holds the bodies of almost every Sith Lord," Mace told us.

"So it's a Sith graveyard?" Anakin said.

"Basically, Anakin you know about this power, the Emperor discovered Darth Plagueis'a power to influence midichlorians and create life. He is after the bodies to resurrect them and take over the universe," Mace explained.

My eyes widened, "is-is Darth... Nihilus in there?" I choked.

"Yes," Obi Wan answered.

"Who's Darth Nihilus?" Anakin asked.

"Wow..." I coughed, "the lord... the lord of hunger."

"And that means?" He questioned.

"He is the ultimate force drainer and craves every bit over power he can see," Obi Wan explained.

"What... about... Revan? Malak? Malgus? Ruin? Underlord? Ajunta Pall? Xoxaan? Marka Ragnos? Ludo Kressh? Bane? Zannah? Cognus? Kaan? Dooku?" My voice came back mostly.

"Yes, sadly," Master Yoda said.

"We can't let him go through with this, we'd be dead in seconds," I gasped.

"I know," Mace said.

"Then what're we doing we need to get down there and guard," Anakin said.

"Yeah!" I agreed.

"It's not that easy," Obi Wan said.

"Why?" Anakin asked.

"He can come from to many directions and being near that many Sith spirits for that long, it would destroy you," Obi Wan told us.

I heard a loud stone crash. "What was that?" I asked.

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