23| Goodbye Coruscant

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Anakin's POV

We landed on Coruscant near the Jedi temple, which was now ashes. "Let's get what we need and get out of here," Obi Wan said.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"Laza, if you don't get those dresses..." May said folding her arms.

"Why?" Laza whined.

"Because!" May said.

"Not a good enough reason," Laza argued standing up.

"Oh so you're gonna leave your wedding dress now?" I asked her. May laughed.

"Fine! I'll get them," Laza have in.

I followed her off the ship and into the apartment. I sighed, and closed my eyes, "I'm gonna miss it here."

"You never know what you got till it's gone," Laza shrugged.

"Yeah," I opened my eyes and walked into the bedroom. "You're the one with all the clothes," I laughed at her.

"Hey! If I didn't have all these dresses I'd have this red armor, a green jumpsuit, and battle wear," she said.

I laughed at her defense. "We'll be able to make up for our honeymoon," I told her.

"Yeah! It was only one night! Now it can be as long as we want," she agreed.

"Yeah," I nodded shoving my stuff into a bag. Laza laid her dresses on the bed and started to pack her clothes into a bag.

"Ready?" She asked.

I closed up my bag, "mhm."

We walked through the kitchen to the door when something caught my eye. "What's that?" I said looking over.

"Hang on," Laza sat her things on the ground and jogged over to the counter. She reached her hand into the vase that contained dead flowers, but she pulled out a perfectly healthy white rose.

"Was there ever a white rose in that?" I asked her.

"No," she breathed, "my father used to bring them to my mother and I all the time." She dropped the rose to the ground grabbed her things. "Let's go," she said blankly as she rushed out the door.

I chased after her all the way to the ship. When we stepped inside she dropped her stuff and shook her head. "Laza?" I said.

"I'm sorry, the day he dies I'll be the happiest person in the galaxy," she said.

"Don't say that, I know how you feel, but your anger pleases him. It makes him stronger and you more vulnerable," I told her putting my hands on her waist.

She sighed and looked down at her feet.  I lifted her chin with my mechanical hand, "hey," I said and her eyes looked into mine, "I love you."

"I love you, too," she told me. I cupped her face and pulled her in for a kiss. I pressed my lips to hers, as our lips slowly parted we put our foreheads together.

When I opened my eyes I saw her smiling at me. "Hey lovebirds! Time to go," Obi Wan interrupted. Laza and I started laughing and walked to the front of the cockpit.

I began to fly us out of Coruscant, "goodbye," I mumbled as we left the atmosphere.

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