16| Kashyyyk

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Anakin's POV

We landed on Kashyyyk in the forest. "The imperials are still here," I said.

"Make this mission easier," Obi Wan mumbled.

"We should sneak round and see what's happening before we plan an attack," Ahsoka said.

"That's what I was thinking," I nodded.

"We should leave now, the sun will be setting in a few hours," Obi Wan said.


Obi Wan, Ashoka and I scoped out the area the Wookie's were being held on. The stormtroopers used whips like the Zygerian's did, it shocked you when it struck your skin.

"Execute the males, females and children will be brought in for processing," the commanding trooper said.

"We don't have much time," I whispered.

"Agreed, Ahsoka and I will go in from here. Anakin you go around and get them from the back," Obi Wan said.

"Got it," I said and began running on the tree line to back of the camp. I looked at the Wookie's hoping we could help them. I felt so bad for them, they didn't know we were coming either. They've probably lost hope by now. We will save them.

I reached the back of the camp and grabbed my lightsaber. I watched as Obi Wan and Ahsoka went in the began taking down stormtroopers left and right.

I then jumped in and cut the Wookie's restraints and helped finish off the stormtroopers. Stormtroopers are easier to take down than battle droids... it's honestly sad.

"I would expect more imperials within a day or two," Obi Wan started talking with one of the Wookie's.

Ahsoka  ran over to me as Obi Wan talked to the leader of the Wookie's. "Brings back memories, huh?" She said.

"Most definitely," I agreed.

"The same missions we had almost everyday," she shook her head.

"Yeah, somehow we survived all of them," I added.

"Yeah," she sighed. I then heard an evil laugh from behind me. I turned around and saw Empress and an army of stormtroopers and TIE fighters.

"Obi Wan..." Ahsoka yelled over to him when she saw everything.

Obi Wan slowly approached us along with the Wookie's behind him. "You have a plan?" He asked.

"Yeah, you and Ahsoka hold off the stormtroopers and let the Wookie's get their weapons to help you. I've got Empress and the TIE's," I whispered to him.

He told the Wookie's my plan. May as well take care of the easy part first! I looked up at the six TIE's. I clapped my hands together and the fighters turned into dust in front of us.

"Impressive, Skywalker," Empress tilted her head.

I just glared at her igniting my lightsaber. "Well Empress, I would think your evilness would have a few tricks. Honestly you could do better than a few TIE's," I said.

Obi Wan and Ahsoka ignited their sabers and the stormtroopers aimed their blasters. "You call five hundred of these dummies easy?" Ahsoka whisper yelled.

"Any second now you'll have five hundred Wookie's behind you!" I said back.

Empress and I began to walk out to face each other. I hope I end her this time!

We stopped when we were a foot or two apart. She gave me an evil grin. I narrowed my eyes in annoyance. She flicked up her right eye brow. I cocked my head waiting for one of us to strike first.

When the stormtroopers began shooting that's when the entire battle began. We clashed sabers off the battlefield and into the forest.

The tall trees and huts blocked out a lot of the sun so it was basically nighttime. We circled each other like animals. "Well Empress, I'm surprised you haven't actually tried to kill me yet," I said.

She came running at me and we locked sabers. "Ah, there's the normal you," I said making her look more angry.

She glided her blade down and sliced my thigh and flicked up cutting my forearm. "Ahh," I groaned in pain.

I went on the offensive and every strike I had she was able to block. Someone's been training. I switched back to my usual form of djem so. I seem to me doing better with that form.

She force jumped onto a tree branch, coward. I jumped up and pushed off a tree and grabbed a vine. Each time I swung passed Empress our blades would clash.

Eventually she cut the vine and fell to the ground. My lightsaber rolled away and I couldn't see it. She jumped down a few feet away from me. I stood up and sliced my arms when I dodged her strikes to my chest and head.

I saw my lightsaber in the corner of my eye. I used the force and came back to my hand. I quickly ignited it and locked blades with her.

"I would kill you, but I'd rather you suffer," she said.

"You'll never get such pleasure from me," I said.

"We'll see about that for when I kill your wife and child," she sneered.

Her words worried me and the instant I slightly let my guard down she knocked me back. A ship flew above us she force jumped onto it. I could sense Calamite was in that ship.

I stood up and limped back to the camp. "Master!" Ahsoka yelled.

"I'm fine," I told her.

"Sure, you're limping, you're a mess, and you're clothes are practically shredded," she said.

"Let's just get back to the base," I said.

"Yeah, no more battles for you today," she said.

I rolled my eyes and followed her back to the ship.

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