8| One Of The Worst Things

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Anakin's POV

I woke up and heard Laza walking around. "Morning," I smiled at her.

"Morning?" She asked angrily.

"Laza, what's wrong?" I asked sitting up.

"What's wrong with me? More like what's wrong with you?!" She yelled.

"Laza..." I said.

"You killed me, Anakin! You killed me!" She shouted.

"What?" I said.

"You killed me! You killed me." He voice lowered as she fell to the ground.

"What's going on?" I whispered and rubbed my eyes thinking I was hallucinating.


I jolted awake sweaty profusely and heavily breathing. I noticed Laza did the exact same thing.

Laza's POV

I stood in front of Anakin. He looked sad and betrayed. I turned my and saw Empress next to me and my father on the other side.

Faces of everyone I knew appeared. They all looked at me with sadness and tears in their eyes. I was holding a red lightsaber in my hand and bodies of dead younglings laid limp before me.

It felt like my soul left my body. I saw myself and everything around me. My eyes were red and narrow, my hands covered in blood, and flames grew around me.

Palpatine stepped behind me. He moved one of the many braids in my hair aside and began to whisper something in my ear. I heard it as if I was still in my own body.

"One final test, kill... him," his eyes directed me to Anakin. I saw myself kill Anakin with one stab right into his chest with the red lightsaber.


I jumped up in shock from what I just saw. I saw Anakin panting next to me. "It was too real," I said under my breath. "It was too real," I said a little louder.

Narrator's POV

The two just looked at each other in shock as they caught their breath. "Laza?" Anakin breathed.

"Anakin," she replied.

"What happened?" He asked her about her nightmare.

"I killed you," she said blankly.

"In mine, I killed you," he told her.

Laza let out a sigh of relief, "that assures me that it was all fake."

"How?" Anakin asked.

"If you kill me, how could I kill you, or vice versa," she pointed out as she laid back down.

"Yes, but one could still happen," he said.

"I would never kill you," she said mainly trying to push the images of the dream away.

"I would never kill you either, it just scares me to think about it," he said laying back down.

"Me too," she agreed. They both went silent and still couldn't shake their dreams away.

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