15| Overwhelmed

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Laza's POV

I looked down at my father's dying body. "You betrayed your family and the order. I hate you, to think all these years I thought about you and thought, I will be the most powerful Jedi and make my father proud. All of those hours of my life, wasted for a Sith," I growled. My father took his dying breathe glaring at me, I closed my eyes and lit him on fire.

Power began to explode from Nihilus. I helped Anakin up and let him lean on me for support. He stretched out his non-mechanical hand out out and his power came back to him and flooded back through his body.

"You're still highly outnumbered and overpowered," Malgus growled.

"Oh really," I asked.

"Yes," he said before a war broke out. The Sith and Jedi clashed lightsabers. I stood there holding up a weak Anakin.

"What're we going to do?" He gasped.

"This," I said and we each reached our hands out he lifted the resurrected Sith in the air away from the Jedi before I lit them all on fire and then exploded them.

"We have to get out of here," Rex said.

"Agreed, follow me," Mace said we followed him out of the room and into the hallways. These were below that bunker this whole time and I didn't sense it, I am disappointed in myself.

I continued to help Anakin, he was very weak. His power was drained and given back, his body was overwhelmed.

"Tell me you killed Sidious and Empress back there," Mace called back to us.

"Uhhhh... about that," I said.

"Really, Laza," he said.

"I'm sorry, okay! We killed the Sith that were fighting you, they weren't fighting and we could see them so, who knows where they are?" I said.

"Calm down," Anakin told me. I rolled my eyes and exhaled. How am I supposed to calm down? I just found out my father was evil!

We reached the end of the halls and stepped out to the front of the Jedi Temple. My father's lightsabers, and my old lightsaber were laid out on the ground.

"Sidious," I growled. I picked up what looked like my old lightsaber and ignited it. It was my old lightsaber, it was reconstructed. The gold hilt, blue blade it was all the same. I threw the red saber my father gave me on to the ground and put my old saber into my belt.

"How am I going to tell my mother and sister?" I whispered to myself as tears began to run down my cheeks.

"Laza-," Mace started but I cut him off.

"Don't, just don't," I whimpered as I walked away. I walked home to the apartment and closed the door. I leaned back against the door and slid down to the floor and put my face in my knees.

I began to ball my eyes out. I can't believe that just happened. I stood up and saw a picture of my father, I grabbed it and walked out to the balcony.

I leaned on the railing and gripped the picture in my hand. I gripped it tighter and lit it on fire I held the flaming photo in my hand. My own fire won't hurt me.

I let the ashes slip through my fingers and down into the streets of Coruscant. I grabbed my lightsaber and ignited it.

"How did you come back to me?" I said before deactivating it, I put it back on my belt and kept trying not to cry.

"Laza?!" Anakin called opening the door. I stepped into the house, "Oh, Laza," he said running to me.

He pulled me into a hug, I wrapped my arms around him as stroked my hair. "Shhh, I'm sorry, shhh," his voice was soft.

"It-it wasn't your fault, I'm sorry," I told him.

"Don't be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong," he before kissing the top of my head. I am sorry though, my father tried to make me kill the person I love most.

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