4| We Need You

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Anakin's POV

We were landing on Alderaan, I sensed the rest of the Jedi were already here. I landed the ship and stepped off. Obi Wan was there waiting for me.

"Master," I greeted him.

"Anakin, I heard about Naboo," he said.

"Yeah," I sighed looking down.

"Well the good news is the Rebellion needs us now. They thought it was time to bring the the real fight," he explained.

"Alright, I'll tell Laza," I nodded.

"Meet me on Yavin four," he said.

"I'll see you there, Master," I said.

"See you there," he nodded before walking to his ship.

I walked back up the ramp and into the ship. Laza sat in the co-pilot chair next to mine with her face in her hands. I pressed the control panel causing the ramp to close up the ship.

Laza lifted her head and watched me sit down, "that was quick," she stated.

"Yeah, we're meeting Obi Wan on Yavin four. The rebellion is now asking us to join the fight," I explained quickly.

"Oh, okay then," she said.


We stood in front of Mon Mothma discussing what happened in the past two years.

"I hope I don't regret asking you back," she said.

"You won't," I said.

"I will talk to you both tomorrow, you already have been shown your living quarters I presume," she said.

"Yes, see you tomorrow," Laza nodded.

We walked out and into the elevator. "Ready for this?" I asked her.

"As ready as I'll ever be," she shrugged.

"All this had to happen right when we started to feel normal," I shook my head and exhaled.

"I know, that's life for ya," she sighed as the elevator doors opened. We walked into our quarters and went to sleep immediately.
Hey guys!! I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday... and also sorry about the short, boring, obviously filler chapter, but I wanted to give you guys something. Anyway, I hope you're still enjoying!

Love you guys!!!!<3<3<3

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