2| Disturbances

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Anakin's POV

I jolted awake when I felt a disturbance in the force. I noticed Laza wasn't even in the room. I started to worry, I grabbed my lightsaber and got up. I walked through the house ready to ignite my lightsaber. I sensed Laza was still here.

I made my way to the balcony and there I saw her. I let out a sigh of relief and walked over to her.

"You sense it too?" She asked.

"Yeah," I answered blankly. She rubbed my back softly. "Something's coming. I don't know who or what it is, but I know it's coming," I told her.

"My theory is that the Sith are after us," she said.

"No, this is far more powerful than the Sith, it's the presence we felt a few years ago," I corrected her.

"I didn't think of it like that," she said.

"Well it is, I know it," I told her.

"I believe we're ready for anything now," she told me.

"As do I," I smiled at her.

"The sun's going to come up soon," she said looking out at the scenery.

"Yeah," I sighed, "Do we have anything to do today?"

"So far, no," she told me.

"Good," I yawned.

"You wanna go back to bed or watch the sunrise?" She asked turning towards me.

"Bed, you can watch the sun if you want," I said.

"Eh, I'll go back to bed with ya," she said.


"We should go see Obi Wan soon," Laza suggested.

"Yeah, we haven't seen him in two years," I agreed.

"I know," she said.

"I wish we knew where Ahsoka was," I added.

"Me too, we haven't seen her in a few years as well," she said.

"I'm sure we'll see her again soon," I hoped.

"Yeah, I bet she's alright, wherever she is," she agreed.

We heard ships outside, Laza and I ran to the door and looked outside. The Empire was bombing the city.

"Let's go," Laza said as we grabbed our weapons and ran out of the house to the boats so we could get to the city.
Hey guys!! I know besides for the last two paragraphs the chapter is boring. Sorry! I had the ending planned I just didn't know what to put before it. I'm sorry it's boring, tomorrow's chapter will have a good amount of action in it!

Love you guys!!!<3<3

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