23| And There Were Two

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Anakin's POV

I sat on the couch thinking about my vision. Last night it was in my nightmares, more into detail. Laza was almost killed, I didn't see by what or by who. They rushed her into the labor to try and save the baby. The vision of Laza ended there. Then I saw Rebel X-Wings exploding and being destroyed by TIE's. Rebel soldiers falling to the Sith and stormtroopers.

I sensed Laza's presence but I was still caught up in the vision. As she walked passed she brushed her hand across my back. "Obi Wan's been here," I said, I sensed his presence.

"He came by this morning," she told me as I followed her into the bedroom.

"What'd he want?" I asked.

"He's worried about you, you've been acting strange," she told me.

"I know," I sighed.

"Visions?" She asked folding clothes.

"Yes," I answered blankly.

"I'm not gonna die in child birth, Ani," she said.

"I know. You might be killed before that," I said cutting straight to the point.

Her eyes widened, she looked at me in fear. "What?" She choked out.

"In my visions you were barely killed and forced into labor to save the baby, I don't know if you survived or if the baby did either," I explained.

"By whom?" She asked.

"I don't know. I would assume the Sith though," I told her. She was speechless. "I won't let anything happen to you or our child," I told her embracing her into a hug.


Laza and I sat on the couch together. I held my hand over the stomach feeling the light baby kicks. She explained to me how the force revolved around the child.

I kept trying to reach through the force to sense the baby. I finally saw the child through a vision. "It's a boy," I told Laza.

"How can you tell?" She asked.

"The force... there's a girl too! You're having twins!" I exclaimed.

"Really?!" Laza tested up.

"Yeah," I nodded as the vision faded.

My com started beeping, "MASTER!" Ahsoka shouted.

"What's wrong, Snips?" I asked.

"Come quick, the Imperial blockade is nearing the system," she said.

"I'm on my way!" I said. "I'll send May here," I told Laza.

"Okay, be careful," she told me.

I ran out of the house to the base. "Anakin! Take that X-Wing we have to hurry before they find the base," Obi Wan instructed.

"May!" I called over to my sister in law. She looked up at me. "Go stay with, Laza!" I told her.

"Got it!" She nodded and headed for the house.

I climbed into the X-Wing and the fleet headed for the coordinates that were set.


When I got out of hyperspace all I saw was chaos. Rebel ships and TIEs going down. Star Destroyers everywhere. The vision was coming true...

Laza's POV

May walked through the door. "Hey!" I said and we quickly hugged.

"Hey!" She jumped.

"I have good new," I smiled.

"What?" She asked excited.

"I'm having twins! A boy and a girl!" I exclaimed.

"REALLY?! Yay!" She gasped.

"I know!" I cheered.

"Miss Laza! Miss May!" Threepio ran in frantically, "the evacuation signal is on we must hurry!"

"C'mon, we have to get to my ship. CUEFIVE! ARSEVEN! Let's go Threepio," I said and the astromech's followed us to my ship at the base.

"Cuefive, prepare the hyperdrive. Arseven, set coordinates for Dagobah," I ordered.

"Ma'am, why Dagobah?" Threepio asked.

"We'll go visit Yoda and Talon. On our way we'll send a transmission to the Jedi and alliance where we are," I told him.

I took off and we were approached the battle and blockade. "Prepare for hyperspace," I said.

"Ma'am, the odds making it into hyperspace past the blockade are 743,0-," I cut Threepio off.

"Never tell me the odds," I shut him up. I made the jump to hyperspace and we made it past just fine. "Arseven," I called him over.

I send a transmission to Artoo, "Artoo, it's Laza," he popped up beeping in the back of an X-Wing. "Hey buddy, tell Anakin and everyone else I'll be on Dagobah with Master Yoda and Talon," I ordered. He beeped telling me he would. "Thanks pal," I nodded and closed the transmission.
Hey guys!! Second update today! You guys deserve it. When I wasn't on break I barely updated so I'll be updating as much as possible! Only a few more chapters of this book left! I have a cover made for the next book just not a name. I came up with one but I didn't I really like it. Anyway I hope you're enjoying!

Love you guys!!!<3<3<3<3

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