18| His Worst Nightmare

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Anakin's POV

I watched as stormtroopers came in and put Laza's body on a stretcher and carried her out of the room. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I watched my lifeless wife leave my sight.

Stormtroopers brought us out of the room. Obi Wan looked at me and gave me the signal. I kicked the trooper that led me and grabbed it's blaster and shot it. I shot the other ones that lead everyone else. They picked up they're blasters and we ran to find Laza's body.

We saw stormtroopers pushing a stretcher that had a body with a white sheet over it. The blanket had blood stains around the face. It was Laza.

We aimed the blasters at the troopers. They removed their helmets. "You know General this is the worst armor," Rex said.

"Rex!" I said.

"You really think we wouldn't come to save you?" Cody said.

"I knew they wouldn't let us down," Laza said sitting up.

"You're alive," I ran to her and hugged her.

"We pulled the plug from the outside right before she died," Rex told me.

"That's why the heart monitor went blank," Obi Wan said.

"How come we couldn't sense she was alive though?" Mace asked.

"Like I said, 'just in time' she was right on the brink of death," Rex said.

"Drop your weapons," real stormtroopers said from behind us. We shot them down, Laza grabbed a blaster. Everyone looked at her still surprised, I knew the truth now. She's depressed, not angry.

We made it to the ship, thankfully. We got on the ship and dropped the blasters. I looked up at Laza, she still had dry blood below her nose, around her mouth, and a trail coming from her ears.

I hugged her, "shhhh, your safe, you don't have to hide." She began to cry into my chest. I stroked her hair. "It's okay, Laza," I told her.

"I love you, Anakin," she cried.

"I love you too," I replied. I held her tightly, I'll never let her go.

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