8| Heroes

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Anakin's POV

"What do you mean by a strong presence in the force?" Obi Wan asked as I tried to discuss with him what's going on.

"What I mean by a 'strong presence in the force' is Laza and I sensed somethings very strong in the force," I said, again.

"How strong?" He asked.

"Very, like almost unusual," I answered.

"Okay you and Laza's presence of power is unusual already we don't need two more of you. Is Laza pregnant?" He asked.

"Not this early," I answered.

"Well I don't know, I guess we'll have to wait and find out," he shrugged.

"Now what're you two arguing about?" Laza said walking up to Obi Wan and I.

"What we sensed last night," I told her.

"Yeah, that's been bothering me too," she nodded.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"Well I'm gonna go, because the Empire is testing out their new troops on innocent Alderaan and its my job to stop them so I'm taking my squadron and the 501st," she told us.

"Oh, you don't need any help from us now?" Obi Wan laughed.

"Very funny, I'll let you if we need reinforcements and I'm taking Ahsoka," she said.

"Oh so you're taking my padawan," I said.

"Well, she's a Jedi Knight now and I'm the one who finished her training," as said before walking away.

"Bye?" Obi Wan said to her.

"Bye!" She said back.

Laza's POV
On Alderaan
We landed the ship, "alright! Rex and Ahsoka, you'll take some of your men and flank them and Wolffe, you'll take some of you're men and take the other side. When you knock enough them out I'll cut through the middle," I ordered.

"Yes, General," they all said.

"Okay, let's go," I said. They took the sides and I observed the Emperor's new troops. I knew they were called Stormtroopers, but that's all the intel we could collect and that Anakin already knew.

They were almost like the clones, but the clones had more training and experience, and I could sense that the Stormtroopers were people. This just gets even more interesting.

"Ready, Cody?" I asked.

"Always ready," he said.

"Good, let's go!" I said and our group jumped out of the ship and ran to the middle. I activated my lightsaber and defected rays. They were better than droids.

I sliced a couple but it wasn't as easy as I had thought. I continued reflecting rays and directing them into the stormtrooper that shot it.

"Better than we thought," I said backing up next to Cody.

"Agreed, General," he said.

I grabbed my bow and pulled back an explosive arrow and shot it into the army of stormtroopers. That wiped some of them out. When the smoke cleared some were right in front of us. I grabbed the blaster pistol strapped to my leg and shot a few of them.

I looked at the rest of the stormtroopers and lit them on fire. I met up with Ahsoka and Rex.

"Any wounded?" I asked.

"Yeah, Alec got shot on the arm," Ahsoka told me.

"Ah, okay, help him onto the ship I'll go check on Wolffe, then we can get out of here," I told them.

"Okay," Ahsoka agreed.

I walked over to Wolffe, "General, fortunately none of our men were wounded," he told me.

"That's great," I answered, I felt a disturbance, on Tatooine.

"Something wrong, General?" He asked.

"Yes, I have to get to Tatooine," I said.

"Okay," he said.

"What's the matter?" Cody asked me.

"Somethings wrong on Tatooine, I need to get there," I told him.

"Um, we can take the shuttle and Rex and Commander Tano can take the gun ships back to Coruscant," he suggested.

"Okay, but I can go by myself," I told him.

"General face it, when you're upset you do crazy things," he said.

"You've got a point, go tell them the plan and I'll get the ship ready," I ordered.

"Of course, General," he said. I hope May and my mother are okay.

Anakin's POV

I felt a disturbance on Tatooine after Laza left. Artoo and I went to see what was happening, we were in the midst of landing when I saw a big cloud of smoke over Laza's old house.

I landed the ship and went to see what was happening. It was set on fire, I opened the door and smoke flooded out, "HELLO?" I coughed.

I heard May screaming. I ran in and found May and Laza's mother trapped in Laza and May's bedroom.

"Get back," I warned and used the force to pushed the jammed door open. They ran out of the room and I helped them out of the house. We were coughing out all the smoke we inhaled the instant we were away from the house.

"What happened?" I choked.

"Stormtroopers," Laza's mother coughed.

"We better get back to Coruscant, if I sensed something was wrong Laza did," I told them.

"Thank you," May said hugging me.

"No problem, you are my sister now," I told her.

We got on the ship and I called Laza on my comlink, "Laza, come in Laza." I said.

"Anakin, somethings wrong on Tatooine," she told me.

"I know I got your mother and sister, we're heading back to Coruscant," I told her.

"Okay, good, I'll meet you there," she let out a sigh of relief.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," she replied and ended the call.

"She's meeting us back on Coruscant," I told them.

"Alright," May said as we took off.

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