25| Luke & Leia

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Quick a/n
I'm gonna make this birth as quick and undetailed as I can! I'm not that good at describing this trust me I tried writing this chapter like five times! So I'm just gonna do what we generally hear/see in the movies! Okay? Okay!
Laza's POV
13 hours later
I groaned from another contraction, is this ever gonna be over? Every contraction I gripped Anakin and May's hand harder. "Okay Laza, the babies are coming," my mother said, "now push."

I screamed as the first baby came. "It's a boy," my mother said handing the baby to Anakin.

I screamed a little more as the second baby came. "It's a girl," my mother handed Ahsoka the girl. Anakin and I already knew I was having a boy and a girl. But everyone else didn't, we would've told them but that didn't really happen.


After the babies were weighed and all the other stuff they had to do they were brought to Anakin and I. "What should we name them?" He asked.

"How about we name the boy... Luke?" I asked Anakin.

"That's perfect," we each looked at Luke sleeping in his arms. "The girl reminds me of you, she's strong, powerful, and beautiful like you. I say we name her Leia," Anakin suggested.

"Yeah, perfect fit," I smiled looking at the babies. Luke and Leia.

"See the children, may I," Master Yoda said walking in.

"Of course," I said, Anakin knelt down and Master Yoda approached him and Luke. Master Yoda placed his hand on Luke's forehead and after a few seconds he nodded and asked for Leia. Anakin and I swapped, Luke was asleep while Leia was wide awake looking around at everything and everyone.

"Very powerful, they each are. A beacon of hope, for when all is lost. Strong and powerful. Be careful, you must. Dark seduction by the Emperor, soon to come is," Yoda explained.

"Thank you, Master Yoda," I said.

"Jedi, both will become," he ordered.

"Of course, they're each string with the force," Anakin said looking up at me, I nodded in agreement. No matter what it takes, I would never let anyone hurt them.

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