19| Conflicted Inside

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Laza's POV

I shot at every target and hit it dead center every time. I switched and threw the knives, dead center every time. Then I went to the punching bag, I didn't use any force punches, kicks, pushes, etc.

I'm surprised, I didn't think you were this strong. The voice of my father, Darth Calamite said.

"Get out of my head," I hit the bag even harder.

Hahaha. He cackled.

"URGH!" I said and some targets went up in flames from my anger.

Join me, my daughter. Together you and I will have ultimate power. We will over throw the Emperor and Empress. He said.

"NEVER," I shouted kicking the bag.

You will change your mind, young one. He said.

I'll never join him, I punched the bag. I'll never be like him, I punched it again. I refuse to be dark, I kicked the bag. I'll never be like that! I'll never think like that! I punched and kicked again and again and again.

My knuckles began to swell and my leg muscles were killing me. Images of my childhood played in my head. I continued to punch and kick the bag until I fell to the ground out of breath.

I immediately stood up and grabbed the bow and arrow. I shot until I was out of arrows. My vision cleared and I saw the target was full of multiple spilt arrows in the center.

I threw the bow on the ground and ran over to the punching bag. I punched and kicked away the tears. My knuckles bled and blood began dripping down the spots I hit.

"Laza!" I heard someone yell. I ignored and kept letting my anger out and into the punching bag.

"Laza, stop," Anakin said grabbing me.

I tried to push him away, but he was stronger than me. He grabbed my hands and held his fingers over the open wounds.

"What're you doing?" He said.

"I don't even know," I exhaled. I pulled my hands away and looked at the gushing blood. I used my flames to seal the cuts.

He cupped his hands around my face, "why?"

"I can't be like him," I said.

"Who? You father?" He asked.

"Yeah," I choked.

"Laza, I can assure you that you'll never turn into that. Your father is consumed by the dark. I can tell your conflicted about this," he told me.

"I am, and I wish I wasn't," I said.

"I know how it feels," he said.

"I know," I nodded. He pulled me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around him in return. I sensed Mace and Obi Wan.

"Wow," Obi Wan said looking at the target I destroyed.

"Laza," Anakin said.

"Anakin?" I replied.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you."

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