7| Noticing

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Anakin's POV

"Anakin, stop pacing," Obi Wan said trying to calm me down.

"I can't, I don't know if Laza's okay," I said.

"She's fine, he'd never hurt her," Talon said.

"Pfft, yeah... right," I said sarcastically.

"I think she's right Anakin, if they're seeking peace and allegiance with us why would he hurt Laza?" Obi Wan told me.

We got a message from Master Windu on the control panel, "Kenobi, Skywalker, Starkiller, bring the prisoners to the council chamber."

We did as he instructed and brought Talon to the council meeting. Laza already had Maul there. I let out a sigh of relief, she's okay.

I was about to leave the room because I wasn't apart of the council anymore. "Stay for this you will, Young Skywalker," Master Yoda ordered. I turned around and sat in an empty seat.

"Okay, Darth Maul and Darth Talon, based on your confession holograms you really do want to help us," Master Windu started.

"Yes, all we want is to end Sidious," Talon assured him.

"Also based on your confession you are both moving towards the light," Master Plo added.

"Yes, we've finally realized we were betrayed and are ready to help you," Maul said.

"Sure of your turn, we are not," Master Yoda said.

"I can vouch for him, that twelve hours of sitting there he told me multiple reasons and things of why he's here. They're telling the truth," Laza said. Wow, didn't know Maul could talk about anything other than murder and revenge.

"Making friends with Sith lately?" Master Fisto said.

Laza's eyes sharpened, don't. I told her.

Fine. She told me.

"Excuse the General she seems to be to hopeful with everyone nowadays," Master Windu said, they better stop or else Laza will fry them...

"You know you still owe me for the millions of times I saved your skin, so I suggest you shut up," she threw back.

"Stop, you two will," Master Yoda said.

"Anyway, we will not just attack the Emperor, or trust you. You will have to show us your loyalty and then we will figure out the right time to strike," Shaak Ti said.

"This meeting is finished, May the force be with us all," Master Windu said.

Laza was the first one out of the room, I ran after her. "Laza!" I called to her.

"What?" She said.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"It's not your fault and whatever I'm just annoyed," she said.

"Yeah right," I said not believing her.

"Okay, I'm more than annoyed... can we just go home, I'm tired," she said.

"Yeah," I agreed and we walked home.


I held Laza in my arms, she slept peacefully while I laid awake holding her in my arms. I still wasn't able to sleep.

I didn't trust myself anymore. I told myself I'd never hurt Laza and I did. I said I'd never turn to the dark side and I did. I lied to a lot of people, but most of all I lied to myself. I'm not trust worthy.

"Laza?" I whispered.

"Yeah," she said.

"You're awake?" I asked.

"I can't sleep," she said.

"Well, I can't sleep either," I told her.

"You can, you just won't let yourself," she said.

"You're right... wait," I felt a strange feeling, "do you sense that?"

"Yeah, it's strong, I don't know what it is," she said.

"It's... it-it's power..." I said.

"Whatever it is, it's strong," she said.

"Yes, it is," I agreed and rolled over onto my back.

"It feels like two strong people..." she guessed.

"I know, it's strange," I said.

"My curiosity is off the charts right now," she laughed.

"Mine too," I chuckled.

"I wonder why they're presence just appeared, even if they were in another galaxy you could sense that," she sighed.

"Yeah, it's almost like us," I said.

"Which is what's getting to me the most," she said.

"Yeah, with you when I was on Coruscant and you were in the outer rim last year, I could still sense your power," I explained.

"Same with you, it's almost like they're related to us," she added. This powerful presence will be gnawing at us until we find out who or what it is.

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