2| The Final Action

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Narrator's POV

Sidious knew Vader didn't go through with killing Laza and the child. He'll have to take matters into his own hands.

He flew to Coruscant and marched into Laza's bedroom. He waved his hand over Laza's stomach and her stomach flattened and the second heart beat faded.

He let out a small evil laugh while leaving. She'll think Lord Vader did it. He thought. He hurried back to the imperial ship so he'd make it back before Lord Vader.

Laza's POV
In the morning
I woke up and let out a yawn, I haven't slept in the longest time. I looked down at my stomach and saw it was flat...

I began to scream and cry, I fell down to the floor. Obi Wan ran into my apartment he picked me up off the ground and hugged me.

"The baby..." I cried.

"This was done by a Sith," he said.

"It was Vader," I said.

"I know it may look that way, but he wouldn't kill his own child," he told me.

"Who was it then?" I asked still crying.

"I know it was Sidious," he said.


I walked into the temple with Obi Wan. I began to walk into the council chamber where everyone was.

"Laza, I told you to stay ho- oh no, what happened?" Mace asked.

"Darth Sidious happened," I said still crying.

Ahsoka gasped and ran up to me giving me a hug. "I can't believe it, how can you kill an unborn child?" Ahsoka said tearing up.

"I have to stop him," I said.

"Laza, no," Mace said.

"Yes, it's the only way," I demanded.

He sighed, "do what you must."


I walked through the imperial ship. I followed my senses to confront Sidious. He won't get away with this. I know Obi Wan and Master Windu are following me. I guess I understand why they are, I hope they didn't bring Ahsoka or Master Yoda though.

I was half way up some stares I saw Darth Vader only a few feet ahead of me at the top of the stairs, "Vader," I said.

"Starkiller," he said turning around.

"I hate to intrude, but your Master caused me an issue," I told him.

"What might that be?" He asked. I know he came to kill me last night but couldn't go through with it. That's when Sidious came. I know, he knows I was pregnant or thinks I still am.

I walked all the way up the stairs so he could fully see me. He didn't say anything when he didn't see the baby bump.

"Yeah, he killed Skywalker's child," I said. He stepped aside letting me walk into the room made of glass. It was completely clear all the way around.

"Laza Starkiller, what a surprise," Sidious said turning his throne around.

"You murdered my child," I growled.

He let out an evil cackle, "why, yes I did."

I activated my father's lightsaber ready to kill the Sith Lord.

"It is hardly the Jedi way to strike down an unarmed man," he said.

"I'm fine with being expelled from the order," I sneered, I swung at Sidious, Darth Vader stopped me with his red saber.

I began to clash lightsabers with Vader, we went in circles around the room. I backed away and looked at him.

"It was foretold that I would battle you one last time," he said.

"I was beginning to think I knew who you were behind that mask, but I was wrong you're vile, evil, and terrible," I growled.

"Anakin Skywalker was weak, I gladly destroyed him," he said.

I cringed at his words, "I will avenge his death."

"Revenge isn't the Jedi way," he said.

"I stopped caring about the order the second I met him," I activated my lightsaber again, he did the same.

We jumped at each other swinging and blocking hits. We battled out of the room onto a small, narrow bridge.

We clashed lightsabers until we reached the middle of the bridge where he pushed me off onto the ground below. He jumped down after me.

I did a front flip over him slicing him, I heard something alive off, I didn't know what. Did I get his other arm?

I landed facing away from him. I looked up and saw Ahsoka, Master Windu, and Obi Wan.

"Laza," I heard Anakin's voice over Vader's. I gasped and turned around. I cut off half of the mask, I saw half of Anakin's face, his eye was yellow symbolizing his darkness.

"Anakin," I gasped. We stood up looking at each other.

Empress and Sidious showed up behind Vader.

"Laza!" Ahsoka said ready to help me. I sealed them in place with the force.

Vader walked towards me, I held up my lightsaber in defense. He avoided trying to fight me and stood beside me and began fight Sidious. Empress and I began to clash lightsabers. I easily overpowered her. She wasn't that great of a duelist, yet.

I ran to the ship and released the seal on my friends. Anakin followed me.

"Laza," he said and removed the mask.

"Anakin?" I asked.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"You're back?" I asked.

He just looked into my eyes. I saw his blue eyes flow back to life. He was back. We ran to each other and hugged, tears began to stream down my cheeks. I never thought this would happen.
Hey guys!! The fight remind you of something, rebels wink wink. But anyway I turned Anakin back and here comes better scenes! As you can see I'm really bad with battle scenes, I plan them perfectly in my head then typing it is like, uhhhhh... So anyway, just a quick side note Ahsoka is now more grown up, if you've seen the clone wars tv series when they're on Mortis and Ahsoka sees herself grown up that's what she looks like. Not like she does in Rebels, we aren't there yet, so she's more of a 17 year old now. Hope you're enjoying!

Love you guys!!!<3<3

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