15| May The Force Be With You

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Anakin's POV
10 weeks later
"General Skywalker, we want you to take Major Tano and General Kenobi to Kashyyyk to assist the Wookie's. They've been taken by the Empire and haven't been transported yet. But they are being treated like slaves on their home planet," Mon Mothma explained.

"That's terrible! We have to help them," Ashoka said.

"We are, Snips," I told her.

"You three will take a battalion and leave in an hour. I suggest you eat something, the food supply should be low on Kashyyyk," Mon told us.

"We will see you when we complete the mission," Obi Wan bowed his head and the three of us left the room.

I began making my way to the elevator, "where are you going, Master?" Ahsoka asked.

"I'm going to say goodbye to Laza," I replied.

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit," she said.

I took the elevator up to Laza and I's room. I saw we sitting next to the window holding her red bow. Her force signature felt stronger than usual.

Her eyes flashed open when she felt my presence. "What're you doing?" I questioned.

"Trying an old truck I read about when I was a Padawan," she answered and put her bow on the top of the dresser.

"What trick is that?" I asked.

"If you focus enough force energy into an object it can become strong enough to rival a lightsaber," she explained.

"You won't be in battle for a while you know," I said.

"I know, besides I don't know if the trick is real and it would take a while until it's actually strong enough to test," she told me.

"How long have you been doing this?" I asked.

"Since Naboo," she replied.

"Wow," I nodded, that was about two years ago.

"Anyway, anything interesting going on?" She asked changing the subject.

"I leave for Kashyyyk soon. The Wookie's are being taken as slaves, before they're brought around the Galaxy Obi Wan, Ashoka, and I are going to help," I explained.

"Wow, I hope you get there before it's to late," she said.

"We always get the mission done," I shrugged.

"Cocky much?" She asked.

I laughed at her remark. "Eh that's how you are," she laughed.

She stood up and hugged me. I kissed the top of her head as she pulled me into a hug. "Be careful," she told me.

"I will be," I assured her.

We broke the hug, "I love you," I told her.

"I love you too," she said and I kissed her before I began back to the elevator. "May the force be with you," she told me.

"Same to you," I smiled as the doors closed.

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