6| Strange Happenings

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Laza's POV

Anakin landed the ship on Coruscant and we walked into the Jedi temple.

"Obi Wan," Anakin said getting Obi Wan's attention as we walked over to him. "What's going on?"

"A Star Destroyer has been circling Coruscant throughout the day," he informed us.

"We didn't see one flying in," I said.

"Well, it probably landed it was on the other side of the planet," Obi Wan shrugged.

"Can you sense who's on it?" Anakin asked.

"Yes, Darth Maul," he said.

"Maul?!," I gasped.

"It turns out he survived being sliced in half," Obi Wan said.

"We must capture him," Anakin said determined.

"Agreed, but if we go after them with an air strike it'll be to pushy, we must wait for it to land," he explained.

"If it does," I mumbled.

"It will," Obi Wan corrected me.

"Whatever you say, we'll be ready," I exhaled.

"Oh, and also we sensed another Sith on the ship, but it's not Sidious or Empress, someone very similar to Maul," he said.

"Impossible, I killed Savage Opress in the beginning of the war," I told him.

"And all the life Dathomir was destroyed," Anakin added.

"Yes, this is interesting," Obi Wan said scratching his beard.

"Very," I agreed.


We waited hours for the stupid ship to land. It finally did! I held a tight grasp on my lightsaber and followed Anakin and Obi Wan to the ship, Ahsoka followed me.

We saw the ramp go down, Darth Maul and female Lethan Twi'lek with black Sith tattoos, just like Maul.

I activated my lightsaber, as did Anakin, Ahsoka and Obi Wan. We stepped out in front of them.

"Kenobi," Maul sneered.

"Darth Maul," Obi Wan said back. "You've brought a friend."

"Yes, Talon," he grinned. I glared at Talon. "I would enjoy a good fight, but I'm afraid we want the same thing and could be of good use to each other."

"And what might might that be?" I asked.

"Sidious dead," Maul answered.

"Why would we ever trust you," Ahsoka growled.

"Because we can each help each other, arrest us and interrogate us if you wish. For once we don't want to kill the Jedi," Talon said.

"Fine, that is what we wish," Obi Wan said and put hand cuffs on them and handed me their lightsabers.

We brought them back to the temple and in separate holding cells. Maul and his teammate want to help the Jedi, wow... unbelievable.

Master Mundi went to interrogate them, after I was on Maul-sitting duty. Of course, they make me guard, the most boring thing I could ever do. While everyone else watches the hologram of the interrogations and come up with a plan, while I babysit a Sith.

I sat with Anakin while we waited for the interrogations to be over. Obi Wan will be on Talon-sitting duty, Anakin would be guarding her, but they don't trust him, but Anakin used my trick of being stubborn... so he gets to guard with Obi Wan. At least they aren't alone with the Sith that killed Qui-Gon. We've never even heard of Talon, let alone know what she's done as a Sith.

"I can't believe those two wanna help us," Anakin said.

"Me either, it's too strange," I agreed.

"General, I have finished interrogating Darth Maul, it's time for you to guard him," Master Mundi said.

"Okay," I sighed.

"Hey, be careful," Anakin told me.

"I will," I assured him before we shared a quick kiss.

I walked down the hall into a room that had a control panel and a ray shield that was the window to Maul's cell.

"So, you get the boring job of guard?" His deep voice said.

"Yes, I wish I didn't," I growled.

"Better than being guarded by Kenobi or Skywalker," he shrugged.

"I'm a Skywalker now, so watch your mouth," I rolled my eyes.

"Oh," he let out an evil laugh.

I let out an audible exhale, this is gonna be a long night.

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