11| Force Storms

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Laza's POV

Everyone was pulled into a room of bunk beds. We all were frightened from the noise outside. The bombs shook everything, I looked up and noticed the ceiling beginning to crack.

I grasped Anakin's hand a little tighter. We should be up there fighting! Not just sitting down here.

"You okay?" Anakin asked me.

"Not really," I rolled my eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"We should be defending the base not sitting down here," I told him.

"I know, but it's not our call anymore," he said.

"Since when do you follow the rules?" I said.

He laughed at my comment. "I'm serious! Before you were always 'LETS GO!' 'I'M CHANGING THE PLAN' what happened to you?" I asked.

"Believe me, I want to help as much as I can, but this is different than Obi Wan and Master Windu getting annoying when I do crazy things. We don't really have much of a say here. And you don't lead the army anymore so it's not like you could tell everyone to go get a ship and go after the Imperial Blockade," he explained.

"I know," I sighed.


The bombing finally stopped. I wonder what it looks like up there. Anakin and I were sitting on one of the top bunks.

I looked up at him to see if he was still awake. Of course, out cold! I shook my head and laid it back on his chest. I closed my eyes but sleep didn't come easily anymore.

I hope it isn't to destroyed up there. All of it was under ground but we still have hangars and ships up there.

I felt like I needed to stay on my toes like something was going to happen. But I was exhausted. I let my body relax even though my brain was screaming "DANGER!"

I felt Anakin jump. I sat up and saw him wide awake. "He's he here," he said.

"Who?" I asked unable to sense what he was talking about.

"Sidious," he said jumping down from the bunk. I followed him into command. "I have to get up there, now," he told Mon.

"We can't do that, a storm has approached, it is very lethal and you could be killed," she told him.

"It's a force storm, brought by the Emperor. I can handle it," he said.

"Let us go," I butted in.

"No," he said to me.

"You'll need me out there," I said.

"Open the doors," Mon said.

He began running up the stairs ahead of me. I could sense his anger, "Ani!" I called to him. "Anakin!" He still ignored me. "Anakin, stop!"

He finally stopped in his tracks, "what?" He said in a mean voice.

"What's going on with you?" I asked starting to catch up to him.

"I don't want you out there! You're gonna get hurt!" He said.

"Anakin, I'll be fine and I'm not letting you get hurt," I said in much calmer voice than him.

"Laza, please just sit this one out, for me," he said softer.

"No, you know I can't do that," I said.

He closed his eyes and inhaled, as he exhaled his eyes opened. Instead of revealing a bright blue sea of light, yellow-red emptiness appeared. My eyes widened and my hands covered my mouth as I stared at him horrified.

"Laza?" He said as the light flooded back into his expression.

"I'm going out there, whether you like it or not," I said and ran up the stairs away from him.

I blocked out his calls to me. I grabbed my lightsaber from my belt, I placed my thumb over the button as I approached the doors.

I sensed my father and the Emperor. "Darth Calamite," I whispered softly to myself. The rain flooded the ground as the wind blew it every direction. The storm and the night combined almost formed a vantablack sky, I could barely see, hopefully my senses find misguided me.

The lightning gave some light to the darkness. I ignited my lightsaber as a slight lantern. I sensed Anakin somewhere in my vicinity. I also sensed Calamite close by, and the Emperor was closer to Anakin.

"Show yourself, father!" I yelled out into the storm. My hair and clothes were soaked from the rain.

Calamite jumped down in front of me with his red lightsaber gleaming as the rain seared onto the blade.

"Two years, my child," he greeted me with his deep dark voice.

"Long time no see, tell me, how many innocent people have you murdered?" I asked as we began circling each other.

"I lost count," he sneered.

"Of course," I rolled my eyes trying to hold in my fear and anger.

"You could've been so powerful," he shook his head.

"Power doesn't matter to me! And if it did I'm more powerful than you'll ever be," I spat.

"Yes, yes, your glorified flame!" He sneered.

I swung my lightsaber at his side. He of course, blocked my strike. The winds pushed me around so I was falling to the defensive side as we clashed lightsabers.

He went for a stab to my chest but I fell back onto the ground dodging it. I was even closer to the brink of death.

I kicked his stomach and waved my hand throwing flames at him. He dodged them, he looked surprised, because they weren't destroyed by the rain.

A gust of force wind through me back, slamming me into a tree. "Ugh!" I got up even my back was almost broken.

I jumped up into a tree and ran through the vines. A strike of lightning came down almost frying me. I screamed and jumped back. I saw my father on the forest floor trying to strike me with force lightning. I used my flame to over power him and and him back near the eye of the storm.

I was worried for both my life and Anakin's. I took a deep breath and jumped down, I have to end this now. I inhaled and push a wall of fire towards him. His powerful force lightning clashed against it as it became a battle of strength.

The flame faded and turned into a force wall, big mistake Laza. The power of the fire was stronger than my abilities with the force. My force wall was penetrated by the lighting and the blue spark jetted into me.

I screamed in pain from the shock. The storm suddenly stopped causing Calamite to look up at the sky pulling his focus away from me. I gathered up the rest of my strength and sent a gust of fire at him. He force-jumped to the sky before it could burn his ruthless body.

I collapsed and blacked out from exhaustion.
Hey guys!! Well... IM SOOOO SO SO SO SORRY! I've been writing this chapter on and off and AHHH! I hate my life! But my cross country season ends Tuesday so I have some time before indoor. I'll update as much as humanly possible during that time so we aren't caught up in importantness when I'm busy. Oh and here's a note from my friend: "Note from one of layburkhouse's legit friends, like in real life. I want to shamelessly shoutout my new book, The Assassin's Only Weakness. My username is QueenHonee4, and I am a new writer. I am currently writing my third chapter, and I try to update fast."

Yeah so check her out! She's amazing! Sorry for this extremely long a/n! I hope you're enjoying! May the force be with you!

Love you guys!!!!<3<3<3<3

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