22| The Plot To Destroy Everything

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Laza's POV

Anakin and I were walking to the cottage. "Oh, we have two new astromechs," I said. Artoo beeped as if he was offended.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah, R2-Q5 and R7-S1, I've had them since you two left for Dagobah," I explained.

"What about Threepio?" Anakin asked.

"He's still with us, he hasn't gone anywhere," I replied. "Here it is," we approached the small house.

We stepped inside. Threepio and I helped Anakin unpack. I sensed something off about him, like he was lying about something. "Anakin?" I said.

"Yeah?" He looked over at me.

"Why did you come back so early?" I questioned.

"I finished training," he shrugged. Lying... I just glared at him and folded my arms over my chest. He sighed, "I had a vision of the war taking a turn for the worst and you dying in child birth," he said looking down at his feet and leaning on the bed.

I walked over to him and placed my hand on him back. He stood up straight facing me. "I'm not gonna die in child birth, Ani. And it's war, sooner or later it's gonna have a turn for the worst or best for the rebellion. And I guess sooner based off your vision," I tried assuring him.

He exhaled, "yeah, but I need to be here for the birth of our child anyway. You're due soon so came back at the right time." He cupped his hands around my face and kissed my forehead.

Narrator's POV
Palpatine's Star Destroyer
"Lord Calamite, the Death Star will be finished on schedule," the Emperor demanded.

"Of course my lord, in due time we will have the Rebel Alliance at its knees," Calamite nodded.

"What about Skywalker's children? They will bring great power to the alliance," Empress hissed.

"We will end them before they even touch the atmosphere," the Emperor sneered.

"Kill Laza?" Calamite asked hiding his emotions.

"Yes, and that'll bring an end to Skywalker, and without Skywalker or Starkiller the alliance and the rest of the Jedi are over," Empress grinned.

"And we shall have peace," the Emperor concluded.

Back on the Rebel base

The small council they had forming stood in a circle. "The war has become more tragic for everyone," Bail Organa started.

"I sense a great plot to destroy everything," Ahsoka announced.

"As do I, but it seems as though this plot won't be our problem in the near future but father into the future," Mace added.

Little did they know that the Death Star would be fully operational years from now. But they should be worrying about Laza and Anakin. They're lives were at stake as they spoke.
Hey guys!! So kind of a cliffhanger there... sorry I have every once in a while. Since it's winter break I'm gonna update more. I have some ideas to finish this book off. Yeah it's that time again. I will start the next book right after I finish. And children... we all know who/what that means! Haha!

Also kind of a spoiler but in my opinion I wanted to tell y'all this. But the Death Star won't take like 15 years to build it's gonna be done in like a few years so like somewhere in the next book *wink wink*. And I'm thinking of doing something like Rogue One in the future. I'm not gonna say because one, spoilers for the next book (and I've already said some), and two, I'm not sure if everyone reading has seen Rogue One and I don't want to be the jerk that spoils it!

Anyway, I hope everyone's enjoying! May the force be with you!

Love you guys!!!!<3<3<3

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