27| Romantic Evenings

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Anakin's POV

Laza was curled up next to me with her head on my bare chest. She laid awake staring at the window. "You alright?" I asked her.

"Just thinking," she blinked coming back to reality.

"About what?" I asked.

"Life," she said blankly.

"Details?" I questioned.

"Ani, what do you think life would be like if we had a family?" She asked back.

"Family? We have family there's your mother and sister, Ahsoka is like a sister or daughter, Obi Wan is like my brother, and Mace is like your father we have family, Laza," I replied.

"No, Anakin. Our own family, our own children," she corrected.

"Laza, I want that just as much as you do, but I can't help what the Emperor did to our first child," I choked.

"I know, Anakin, I know," she said.

"Laza, I'm so sorry," he said.

"Why? You didn't do anything wrong," she sat up looking down on me.

"If I was there, I could've protected you," I told her.

"Please, don't blame yourself, I shouldn't have brought it up," she laid back down on her back.

I sat up and leaned on my normal arm, my mechanical hand and her her hand met and our fingers laced together. "There isn't enough words to explain how much I love you," she said.

I smiled and kissed her hand, "I'll never let you go." I leaned down over her and began to kiss her.


Laza and I sat in the kitchen eating lunch when a transmission interrupted our meal. It was Obi Wan, "Master," I answered as a hologram of him appeared.

"Anakin, Laza," he greeted us.

"Obi Wan," Laza replied to him.

"How is it over there?" He asked.

"Quiet," I told him.

"It's very peaceful, it's like the war isn't even happening," Laza added.

"I wish it wasn't, the Empire is gladly burning everything out here, and the sand people aren't helping," he explained.

"Ah, we should've warned you about that," I chuckled.

"Nothing I can't handle," he shrugged.

"Have you spoken to Master Yoda recently?" Laza asked him.

"Yes, Talon is definitely changing by the day. He also wanted me to tell you both to keep training and have a sharp eye, he senses the Sith plotting something," he warned.

"They always are," Laza rolled her eyes.

"Yes, well they're Death Star is now a work in progress, so we have to watch out for that," he added.

"Great," I said sarcastically.

"Anyway, I'll will talk to you both soon. May the force be with you both," he said.

"May the force be with you," Laza and I said before he ended the transmission.

"How do you think we'll stay here? Based off of last night there is a rebellion," Laza asked me.

"I don't know, but also based off of last night the Jedi have to hide or else we will be slaughtered like animals," I told her.

"I hate hiding... but we're the 'faces' of this rebellion now," she pointed out.

"I don't know what's gonna happen from here," I sighed. "Honestly, the only thing I'm sure of is that I love you."

"I love you too," she replied. We sat back down and finished eating.

"Wanna go for a swim?" I asked helping her clean off the table.

"Sure, let's go change," she said heading for the stairs.

I followed her into the closet. I put on a pair of dark blue swim trunks and a beige under tunic. "I'm gonna grab some towels," I said.

"Okay, meet me outside," she said.

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed two towels. I walked down the stairs and outside. I waited about a minute and Laza stepped out wearing a see through white dress with a light blue bikini underneath. Her hair was left down and she was barefoot.

"Ready?" She shrugged.

"Yup," I said and picked her up like a bride.

"Okay then," she giggled. I carried her across the field and over to the small beach. When we reached the sand I set her down and let the towels fall to the ground.

I took off my tunic and set it on the ground. "Race ya," Laza said taking off her dress.

"Your on," I said competitively.

"Go!" She said and we each ran across the dock and jumped into the water. "I WON!" She yelled when I reached the surface.

"Yeah, right," I said sarcastically.

"It's a tie then," she shrugged.

"If you say so," I smiled. She dunked underwater, "Laza!" I said going under. I opened my eyes and saw her swimming to more of a shallow part of the lake. I followed her and came above the surface standing in front of her. The water was up to her back and at my chest.

She jumped up and kissed my nose. Before she fell back to her feet I wrapped my arms around her lower back. She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I held her lower back and began to kiss her.

Her fingers lightly tugged at my hair as our lips moved in sync. I never wanted this to end.

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