1| Living Peacefully

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Anakin's POV

I focused on levitating myself through the force. I felt my body leave the ground, I took another deep breath and focused.

I heard a noise behind me, I set my feet to the ground and opened my eyes. I turned around and saw a small animal running behind me. I rolled my eyes shaking my head and began walking back to the house.

Laza's POV

I focused my energy into the red metal bow. Making it sturdier and stronger. My grip tightened around the metal as it grew more durable. I opened my eyes when I felt tired.

I only wanted to do this to the red bow because I knew one day I would need it to be that strong. Only that one though, not my wooden one, not the black one, not the one I just newly carved. Just the red bow.

I heard the door open, I looked over and saw Anakin. "Hey," I said.

"Hello, beautiful," he said smiling.

"You usually meditate longer than that, what happened?" I asked.

"An animal snuck up on me," he laughed.

"Wow," I laughed sarcastically. "Anyway, what time do we have to be at dinner again?"

"Six, it's four right now," he told me.

"Okay, I guess I'll go take a shower. I'm not dressing up," I said.

"I didn't expect you too," he said. I laughed and went upstairs.

I entered the bathroom and closed the door. I turned on the shower and removed my clothes, I stepped into the steamy shower and let the water soak me from head to toe.

I scrubbed shampoo through my hair and rinsed, then did the same with the conditioner. I quickly washed my body then turned off the shower.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I used another towel to wrap my hair in. I exited the bathroom and went into the closet. I picked out a black long sleeve button up shirt, a black skirt, and tights. I laid the items out on the bed and went back into the bathroom to finish drying my hair.

I put the outfit on and put my hair up into a bun. I put on a necklace May left for me.

Anakin walked into the room, "you look absolutely beautiful," he complimented me.

"Thank you, my handsome husband," I replied.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower I'll be right out," he said stepping into the bathroom.

"Okay," I said. I looked into the closet, what shoes am I going to wear. I saw a pair of black heels, only to make May happy.

I slipped the heels on and walked around the bedroom a few times to get used to them. I put on a small bit of makeup that was on the top of the dresser.

I went downstairs into the living room, I sat down on the couch waiting for Anakin. This is how it feels to be normal, excluding the training for the past two years. If we weren't training all that time I would've forgotten who I was.

I began to think about the clone wars. Meeting Anakin, Obi Wan, Ahsoka, Rex, Cody, Wolffe. The battle of Genenosis. Darth Empress, General Grievous, Ventress. Anakin leaving, the battle of Alderaan, leading the Galactic Army.

I just sat there staring at the wall thinking about what I used to be. Memories of my childhood even came to me.


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