25| Alone Together

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Laza's POV

I woke up to Anakin lightly stroking my bare back. I lifted my head and looked up at him, "morning," I yawned.

"Morning," he grinned.

"Someone's happy," I laughed at him slightly sitting up and pulling the sheet over my chest.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He chuckled.

"Okay, calm down," I laughed at him. We just laid there looking into each other's eyes.

After a few minutes I broke the silence,"I'm gonna go eat breakfast." I got up and walked to the closet and put one one of Anakin's cloaks. I wrapped it around the front of my body and closed the closet door.

I looked over at Anakin who was staring at me. "Keep your eyes inside your head, sweetie," I joked.

I walked down the spiral staircase and into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and the small bowl of fruit caught my eye. I grabbed it and took the plastic cover off it and grabbed a fork. I grabbed the juice and poured a glass and put the jug back in the fridge. I leaned on the counter and enjoyed my breakfast.

I put the empty glass and bowl in the sink along with fork. "I'll clean them later," I shrugged as I thought out loud.

I walked back upstairs and heard the shower running. "Hey Laza!" Anakin called.

"Yeah?!" I replied.

"Come here!" He said.

I walked into the bathroom, "yes?"

"I forgot the soap, it's in that cabinet," he said poking his head out and pointing to the small cabinet under the sink.

I grabbed the bottle of body wash and handed it to him. "Anything else you need?" I asked.

"You," he said.

"Fine," I said and took off his cloak. I stepped into the shower and he stepped over so I could use the water.

I soaked my hair and let out an audible exhale. The hot water felt amazing! "Here," Anakin said starting to wash my hair.

"Thanks," I said.


We walked through the high grass taking in the beautiful scenery. "I always liked it here," I said.

"Me too, it's so calming," he agreed.

"I wish Ahsoka didn't leave, I feel bad she's probably fighting in this war right now," I said.

"I know, I wonder why she had to go with the fleet that badly," he said.

"I know, she'd be better off with the other Jedi," I added.

"Exactly," he said.

"She reminds me of May in so many ways," I said.

"Probably why they're such good friends," he said.

"Yeah," I exhaled.

"I wish we could find her," he said.

"Me too, she's a sister to me. When I was pregnant she took care of me until... you know," I explained.

"Well, we can only hope she's safe," he sighed, I nodded.

"I'm also hoping that the war isn't brought here," I told him.

"Me too," he agreed. We walked in silence until we reached the beach.

"Wanna head back?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot your sand issue," I laughed at him.

He shook his head as we turned around going back to the house. "Laza?" He said in a more concerned tone.

"Yes," I looked over at him.

"How do you really feel about everything that's happening?" He asked me.

"What do you mean by what's happening? Like is living here? The war? I don't know what you're exactly asking," I questioned.

"About the Empire, the Sith... your father," he told me.

"Honestly, I'm terrified. I've been granted this flame from that prophecy, and I have to protect you. I'm afraid my father will kill you, I'm afraid the Empire will win and fully take over the galaxy and all hope will die," I explained holding back tears.

"Oh Laza," he said pulling me into a hug. "Laza, you don't need to protect me, or worry about me being killed. Also, there's always hope," he said.

I took a deep, shaky breath preventing myself from crying. I always felt safe when he hugged me.

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