10| Reaching Through The Force

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Anakin's POV

"Laza..." I breathed.

"I have to do this," I heard her voice. The room was pitch black, I couldn't sense a thing.

"Laza, please," I said.

"You wouldn't understand, I have to face him on my own," she said, I felt a pair of hands push me away. I was pushed out of the darkness into the light of day. I was in the ruins of the Jedi temple.

My senses came back to me, I sensed Laza and Darth Calamite. I heard an ear splitting scream from below. They were in the underground tunnels.

I jumped down into the tunnels. I activated my lightsaber as a torch. My other hand held a grip on my second saber ready to strike.

I then saw the red light of Sith saber. "Anakin Skywalker," the voice of Calamite said.

"Darth Calamite," I replied.

"My Mayer will be mad that he didn't have the pleasure of killing you, but why not end this now," the Sith Lord approached me.

He swung and we locked sabers. I used my second saber to pierce his chest. "You should've know better my lord," I said.

"I knew," he said with his dying breath.

"Anakin," a faint voice said.

"Laza!" I knew it was her.

I rushed to find her. I turned the corner of the hall and saw her laying there. I ran to her side, I rested her head on my knees and held her hand. I looked closely and saw the burnt hole in her lower abdomen from a lightsaber.

"No, n-n-no, no," I said speechless. I watched her blue eyes fade into a dull grey.


My vision stopped when alarms rung through the room. An announcement started, "this is not a drill, we are under attack, we have six minutes to enter bomb shelter."

I ran to the stairwell and began running to the lower levels. I sensed Laza on her way down on the west stairwell, I was on the east.

I was running down the flights of stairs as fast as I could. Water began to pour down from ceiling like it was raining inside. I knew it was raining outside, I guess a blast hit the roof.

I couldn't sense Laza anymore. I reached out with the force, still no sign. I began to worry even more. I rushed down the last few flights of stairs and ran into the bunker.

I found myself in a room with many people and bunk beds. I saw Obi Wan, "have you seen Laza?" I asked him.

"I thought she was with you," he said.

"Damnit!" I yelled and began running through the bunker. I reached the east entrance and saw her running in with her family. Thank the force she's okay!

"LAZA!" I shouted to her.

Her head turned, she saw me and ran into my arms. "I thought something happened to you! I couldn't sense your presence or anything!" She said.

"I know I had the same thing happen to me," I told her. She kissed me then held a tight hug around me. I rested my head on her shoulder, I love her so much.

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