6| Clone Rescue

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Laza's POV

I woke up earlier than Anakin the next morning. I put on a similar outfit to what I used to wear during the Clone Wars. A pair of jeans, a jacket and a bullet proof vest. I strapped a blaster and explosives to my leg and hooked my lightsaber onto my vest.

I braided my hair and put my quiver across my back and crossed my bow over my chest. I looked back over at Anakin, he was still sleeping. I kissed his head then went to find Ahsoka.

I went down to the cafeteria and saw her eat breakfast. I grabbed a tray of food and sat down next to her.

"Morning," I she greeted me.

"Morning," I nodded.

"Good news, they've located Cody, Rex, and Wolffe," she told me.

"Great, when are we leaving?" I asked.

"When the ship is ready and when Anakin wakes up," she said.

"Good, anything about Gregor?" I asked.

"No," she sighed.

I exhaled and continued eating.


We ran off the ship into the imperial prison. "FREEZE!" A stormtrooper yelled aiming a blaster at us. We killed the trooper and the other ones that were on patrol with it.

I ignited my lightsaber, "Ahsoka, get us in Anakin and I got your back."

"Got it," she nodded. Blasts came from the right of us.

Anakin and I reflected the blasts and directed them back into the stormtroopers finishing them off. "Door's open, hurry!" She whisper yelled.

Anakin and I backpedalled into the large building. "They're being help on level 2a, and we're on... level... 40b," Ahsoka told us.

"How does that work, this is the ground floor?!" Anakin said.

"2a must be a basement level," I pointed out.

"Yeah," Ahsoka shrugged as a siren went of.

"They know we're here, the elevator will be shut down," I said.

"I'll contact Artoo," Anakin said and pulled out his comlink. "Artoo, activate the elevator," he said. Artoo gave an "okay," beep and the door slid open to the elevator.

"Let's hope this works," I followed them onto the elevator.

"Artoo, bring us to level 40b," Anakin said into his comlink.

The elevator zipped down the levels, when the doors opened it revealed the stormtroopers awaiting our arrival. I quickly reignited my lightsaber and began to reflect blasts. As I got closer I was able to slice them, I glanced over and saw Anakin doing the same and Ahsoka still reflecting blasts with her blue lightsabers. Now she has blue sabers?!

When the stormtroopers were done, we ran through the halls. "What cell?" I asked.

"They should be in the one right at the end of this hall," Ahsoka whispered.

I noticed more stormtroopers piling infringement of the cell. "I'll go get them, be ready to escape," I said.

They each nodded and I began running to the end of the hall. The stormtroopers were taken out by Anakin's force push. I used the force to open the door. I saw three limp men barely alive in the cell.

"No! Please no!" I knew it was Rex who screamed it.

"I don't think you're going to be tortured this time," I said.

"Wolffe, take this," I handed him my blaster pistol.

"Thank you, General," he said.

"No problem," I said as the doors opened and blasts were already coming at us. Anakin, Ahsoka, and Wolffe did their absolute best to cover Rex and I as we carried Cody out the building.

Artoo already had the ship waiting for us. We got on as quick as we could and he flew us out. We all collapsed floor, "that was harder than I remember," I said.

"Definitely," Anakin breathed.
Hey guys!! I know for an action chapter it's a little boring but... I don't know. I hope y'all like it better chapter coming soon!

Love you guys!!<3<3<3

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