7| Confusion

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Laza's POV

I sat on my bed just wanting peace. I was worried that Cody wouldn't survive. I was worried about Anakin. I scared for my life.

The door opened and out came Anakin. He sat next to me and audibly exhaled. I leaned my head on his shoulder as he grasped my hand. "How'd we get here?" He asked.

"If that wasn't a rhetorical question, I don't have an answer," I told him.

"I don't think anyone does," he pointed out.

"Yeah," I breathed.

"Do we have any planned missions tomorrow?" He asked.

"No, but there's always surprises," I rolled my eyes.

"I just want to get this war over with, end the Sith in its entirety, and keep everyone safe," he said.

"You can't save everyone, your the most powerful person in the galaxy and it's still not possible," I told him.

"I know, I wish it was," he said.

"Me too," I agreed. I lifted my head up and looked up him. He lightly kissed me before I laid my head back on his shoulder. He let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

"I hate war," I said putting my hand on his arms.

"I know, I do to," he said. Anakin's comlink beeped, "we have to go to dinner."

We got up and began walking into the elevator. I didn't really like the way this place was put together. Everything was organized but it screamed military base. We don't have much here anyway.

The door opened on the cafeteria level. Anakin and I grabbed a tray and sat down with Ahsoka and Obi Wan.

"How's Cody?" I asked Obi Wan.

"He's in pretty bad shape, but he'll recover in a few weeks," Obi Wan replied.

I nodded and began eating. "So, people have been talking, when we will engage the Empire?" Ahsoka asked.

"Well we technically engaged them earlier when we rescued the clone troopers. But if you mean attack the Emperor, I don't know that's not my decision," I explained.

"It could've been," Obi Wan said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Yeah, really?" Anakin asked.

"It means I could've been your decision," Ahsoka said.

"I don't lead the rebellion, so it's not," I said.

"You could've," Obi Wan said.

"How?" I asked getting annoyed.

"You'll figure out soon," Obi Wan said.

"Maybe I won't! Tell me," I said.

"Laza, you're twenty two not two," Obi Wan said.

"You're point?" Anakin interfered.

"Tell you're wife to stop acting like a child," he said.

"I'm acting like a toddler because you're confusing me," I snapped.

"Let's just not talk about this," Ahsoka broke up the argument.

I rolled my eyes and ate in silence. How could it have been my decision?

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