22| Splitting Up

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Anakin's POV

I landed the ship on Lothal by the other few ships. There were more that left Coruscant. We got off the ship and sat down with the rest of the Jedi.

"Where are the rest?" I asked out loud.

"The Empire got quite the few of our ships," Plo Koon told me.

"What're we going to do?" I sighed.

"Well, most of us things left on Coruscant, even thigh possession is forbidden, clothing, food, supplies, and all that is highly needed," Laza shrugged.

"Agreed, we must go back and grab what we can when everything dies down," Obi Wan said.

"You mean when the temples done burning," I mumbled.

"We also can't stay here, it's an empire controlled planet. Most are now, but some less than others. To the Empire we're Rebels, we'll all split up and stay on different planets. We would keep in touch everyday to pass intel until more rebel against the Empire and stand with us," Laza added.

"Good idea," Mace told her.

"Then it's settled, we have to decide who stays where," Obi said.

"Dagobah, I will stay on," Master Yoda said.

"I'll take Felucia," Plo Koon said.

"I'll be on Tatooine," Obi Wan said.

"I'll stay on Takodana," Mace said.

"Anakin and I will take Naboo," Laza said.

"And I'll stay with Master Yoda on Dagobah," Talon said.

"Train you in the way of the Jedi, I will," Yoda told her, Talon smiled at him.

"What about us?" May asked.

"You're coming to Naboo with us," I told her. "Artoo will send out a list of coordinates to all of you, they will be all of our rendezvous points until the Empire decides other wise and we find new ones."

"What about Shaak Ti and Ahsoka on Shili? Should we go and warn them?" Obi Wan suggested.

"Yes!" I said.

"Wait here all of you, we'll go get or warn them," Laza said following me to the ship.


We landed the ship and I couldn't sense Ahsoka, only Shaak Ti. I ran off looking for Shaak Ti. "Young Skywalker," I heard her voice.

"Shaak Ti," I said turning around.

"You're looking for Ahsoka aren't you?" She asked.

"Yes, where is she?" I asked.

"She left with a Rebellion fleet, she knew you'd come looking for her so she left you a message," she said handing me the small device.

"Anakin," Laza said coming up behind me.

"Ahsoka left, she left me a message," I caught her up.

"Well play it," she said.

I played the message a hologram of Ahsoka showed up, "Master, I knew someday you'd come looking for me especially after the destruction of the Jedi temple," she knew about it. "I'm leaving with a Rebel squadron. If we each survive this I know we'll see each other again. And knowing you Laza is with you. Laza I made contact with Cody and Rex they are in hiding from the Empire and did not give me their location, but I can assure you Cody, Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor are alive and safe for now. I hope to see you both soon. May the force be with you." The message finished and I exhaled.

"I hope she answered at least most of your questions," Shaak Ti said.

"Basically, thank you, Master," Laza said.

"It was nothing," she said.

At least Ahsoka is alright for now.

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