17| Her Worst Fears

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Anakin's POV

I woke up tied to a chair. I looked around and saw Obi Wan, Maul and, Talon. The door opened and Grievous tied up Mace. Where's Laza?

"Nice shirt, Anakin," Obi Wan said. I remembered that I didn't have a shirt on, I was wearing pajama pants and my cloak.

"Thanks," I said.

"My new form of torture will be perfect to test out on the General," Grievous said and revealed a window. Laza was laying on a table will two wires connected to her temples, one wire was connected to a machine and one connected to a hologram screen. A third wire was on her chest, I followed it with my eyes, it was connected to a heart monitor. "This will make the General experience her five worst fears, and we get the pleasure of watching them," Grievous said with an evil laugh.

"Let her go," I growled.

"If she survives, possibly," he said before pushing a button activating the screen.

ITS NOT REAL! STAY WITH ME MY LOVE! I told her telepathically, I hope she heard me.

Laza's POV

I found myself in a glass box. I began kicking the glass trying to break out, "ugh!" I groaned. The box began to fill up with water. "No," I said.

I kicked and punched the glass walls harder. The water was creeping up to my chin, I swam up to the top of the tank and took my last breaths of oxygen. The tank was completely filled.

I kicked the glass a few more times. No luck. I touched the glass and it finally began to crack. I punched the glass and the one wall shattered. The water pushed me out. I rolled away from the broken glass catching my breath.


The room I was in turned into the top of a building. The building was tipping over causing me to roll right off the top. I was falling into the empty streets of Coruscant.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH," I screamed as I fell from the sky. As I neared the ground I knew it was the end.

I slammed into the ground, the ground broke and rippled from me crashing into it. I stood up on the broken street, how am I okay?


I heard a lightsaber activate from behind me. I turned and saw Anakin with anger in his eyes. "Anakin?" I said.

He charged at me, I tried to run away, but I could move. He struck me down and I fell to the ground.


I opened my eyes I was in a white room with a white table in it. A blaster sat on the table I grabbed the blaster and a word was engraved on it, 'CHOOSE'. "What?" I thought out loud.

I looked up and saw Anakin in tears on one side of the table. I looked over on the other side, my sister sobbing. "No. No!" I said backing away.

"Choose, Laza, CHOOSE," a voice said.

I held the blaster to my temple and pulled the trigger.


I woke up in the arena I was supposed to be executed in a while ago. It was empty, only I was in there. I began to feel a second presence. I familiar presence, almost too familiar.

I turned around and saw myself. I waved my hand and she did the same thing. I turned my head, so did she.

"Hello, Laza," she said.

"What are you?" I questioned and we began circling each other.

"I'm you, well, I'm your worst fear. I'm the truth as well," she answered.

"The truth to what?" I asked.

"To you," she said. I tilted my head in confusion.

"You know he doesn't love you right?" She said.

"That's a lie," I gulped.

"Maybe it is, but I know for sure that your weak," she said and knocked me to the ground by the force.

"After all those missions of saving your master, friends, and husband, you made everyone think you were just fine. Your a liar," she kept throwing me around with the force.

"You may have survived, but most of you died," she said slamming me into a wall.

"Your anger builds, you hide behind it, you really aren't that angry. Our replace your anger with your sadness, don't you?" She threw me into the other side of the arena.

"Yes," I coughed out the sand from the arena.

"I know, I am you after all. You think by hiding behind so much anger no one will notice, but they are. In fact, you were just asked about it by your husband tonight," she said slamming me into the ground in front of her. She picked me up by the throat.

"One girl can only take so much, why are you destroying yourself from the inside out?" She said before everything faded into to darkness.

Anakin's POV
A few minutes earlier
I struggled to break the restraints. I watched as Laza drowned. I looked over at her and saw the blood running from her nose. Then she fell to her death, her ears began to pour out blood. Then I killed her, blood trailed from the corners of her mouth.

I saw her shoot herself and then battle herself. I finally knew the truth about her emotions, so did everyone else. I heard a loud beeping noise I looked over at Laza and saw the heart monitor was a straight line and she was dead.

"NOOOOOOOOO," I yelled. She was dead. She was really dead.

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