13| Now The Sith Know

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Anakin's POV

I sat down in the pilots chair with my nervous levels going through the roof. I sensed Laza just got on the ship and she sat down in the co-pilots chair. I didn't want her on this mission. I don't want her or the baby hurt, and I don't want the Sith finding out she's pregnant. I'm not letting this baby die!

Mace, Cody and Rex were aboard the ship so I sealed off the door and took off into open space. "Put in the Death Star coordinates," I told Laza.

"Already done," she told me.

You're shaking. Laza's voice came into my head.

I just looked at her. Why does she always do this?


We approached the Death Star using a code one of the pilots uncovered. We were waiting to see if the code was approved. Please approve...

"Your code has been approved you may enter," the man said. I let out a sigh of relief and continued into the hangar. I had a really bad feeling about Laza being here.

I landed the ship. Everyone else began getting off the ship I stopped Laza. "Please be careful," I begged.

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "I'm serious, Laza. I'm not losing our child this time," I told her.

"Fine, I won't go extremely crazy out there," she assured me.

"Thank you," I kissed her quickly before we began running through the hallways to the prison.

Four stormtroopers began marching through the hallway we were approaching. I went to stop Mace from turning the corner but it was too late.

The troopers aimed their weapons, but with their terrible aim and worthless armor they were easily killed. "Be more careful next time," I told Mace.

"When you do the same, Skywalker," he told me. I realized it was a stupid thing to tell one of the most respected Jedi in the Galaxy.

We continued into the prison area. "How many guards?" Rex asked.

"Enough," Mace sighed.

I peaked around the corner and saw many guards walking around and in front of the cells. "Nothing we can't handle," I shrugged.

"Says you," Cody said.

"Will you guys just shut up," Laza said and stepped out in the open. "HEY!" She yelled, the guards looked and aimed there weapons. She clenched her fist and the guards turned to ash.

I let out a sigh of relief and we ran into the cell block. I sensed Obi Wan to the right of me. I jogged down the walkway glancing into the cells. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Obi Wan, Ahsoka, and May.

I waved my hand in front of the lock using the force to open the door. "Master!" Ahsoka jumped up.

"Hey, Snips," I said.

"Anakin! I think we better go!" Laza said igniting her lightsaber. I glanced over my shoulder and saw a bunch of stormtroopers piling in.

"Let's go!" May jumped up.

"Artoo!" I called, he threw Obi Wan and Ashoka their sabers.

We deflected rays as we made our way to another exit. May hid behind Laza we were stopped by more stormtroopers. The stormtroopers went down easily again because of their pitiful aim and worthless armor.

"Anakin! Laza! Mace! You finally have arrived, and did some dirty work before you greeted me I see," I heard Darth Calamite say, before I knew he jumped down right in front of us.

"I was beginning to think you lost your urge to save everyone," Empress said jumping down next to Calamite.

"Wow, it's been a while Empress," Laza growled.

"Good to see you to, Starkiller or should I say Skywalker," Empress glared at her. "I sense another Skywalker is on the way too," her voice sounded angrier.

I reached through the force and heard the baby's heart beating. I put up a force shield protecting it from the Sith's tricks.

"We'd love to stay and chat but, we have lives," Laza said throwing a gust of fire at them. "We better run," she said.

"Agreed, let's get to the ship," Obi Wan said and we ran as fast as we could to the hangar.
Hey guys!! I feel like most of my authors notes are me apologizing and giving you excuses as to why my brain won't function. That's because they are...

I'm sorry I was on and off with this chapter and got extremely bored with it as I'm thinking "oh well this should happen," and "THATS A PERFECT FIGHT SCENE!" Then I realize I had to finish this chapter. Whatever I finished it and its terrible😞. I'm sorry I hope you're enjoying anyway!

Love you guys!!!!<3<3<3<3

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