26| The Faces

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Anakin's POV

I sat out on the balcony meditating. When Laza and I spoke to Master Yoda earlier he ordered us to meditate more. It was a rainy day so the sound of the falling water helped me clear my mind faster.


A vision started to play in my head. I saw Laza hugging her father in a crumbling building. The king is dead, long live the queen, a voice said.

Then Empress stepped in front of me with her lightsaber activated. She gave me an evil grin and everything went to black.


My eyes flashed open. I stood up and looked around. I looked off the edge of the balcony causing the rain to soak my hair.

I saw Laza shooting arrows at a target. I shook my head and ran out of the house over to her.

"You're gonna get sick," I told her.

"Eh," she shrugged while taking her arrows out of the target. She walked back next to me and shot a few more times.

"Can I try?" I asked.

"Yeah, you're the only other person I trust with this," she said handing me her bow. "Okay so align the arrow like this," she helped me load the bow. "Then grip just below it and keep the arrow in place with your index finger. With your other hand use your index and middle fingers to pull the string back."

I followed her directions and pulled the string back. "Now look down the arrow and focus. Take your aim and release your fingers on the string," she instructed.

I took a deep breath and pointed the arrow at the center of the target. I released my fingers. I watched the arrow fly in an ark and hit the target. It was a few inches away from the red circle in the center.

"Not bad," Laza nodded.

I smiled and handed her, her bow back, "I'll never be as good as you."

"Well I've been shooting since I was three, so..." she pointed out.

"Exactly," I agreed. "We should get inside, we will get sick."

"Alright," she gave and we walked into the house. "We should go change our clothes."

"Mhm," I nodded. I followed her upstairs and into the closet.

"I'm just putting pajamas on," she sighed.

"Alright," I shrugged. I changed into my pajama pants and put in one of my cloaks. "I'll meet you downstairs," I said putting my hands on her shoulders and kissing her cheek.

I walked down the stairs and sat down on the living room couch. I waved my natural hand turning on the television. The same thing, Jedi are wanted, anyone who finds and captures one will be rewarded. Stay clear of the rebels and stand with the Empire. Then the Emperor appeared on a white throne with Calamite and Empress standing next to him. "White?" I whispered. Even the walls were white?! Are they Sith or not?!

"In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized to the first Galactic Empire. For safe and secure satire. The last of the Jedi have been killed for your safety. Including Obi Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Grand Master Yoda, Anakin Skywalker, and General Laza Skywalker. And now w-" Palpatine was saying but the transmission was being jammed and a picture of Laza's Mockingjay pin showed up.

"This is a pirate transmission, repeat this is a pirate transmission from the rebel alliance, with a message the Chosen One and Mockingjay live." A video of Laza using an explosive arrow to shoot down ships and me using the force to crush ships played. Then a picture of Laza in her red armor and me in my Jedi robes showed up with fire behind her and wind behind me, a whistle Laza usually used for a signal played and the tv faded out. I sat up in amazement, Laza stood next to me with her jaw dropped.

"What the hell just happened?" She whispered.

"We were just turned into the face of the rebellion."
Hey guys!! So I will be merging the Capital and Empire just to make this different. Also, I have so many freaking ideas my brain is about to implode! I'm debating if I should make this more than three books... help? I want to because I love writing this specific series, but I don't want to because I have school. I might make this longer than a trilogy and maybe have to update less during school. *sigh* my brain and life don't mix at all! Anyway, the next few chapters won't have much and action and will be romantic chapters just because. Hope you're enjoying!

Love you guys!!!!<3<3

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