17| Usual Arguements

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Laza's POV

I paced through the apartment waiting. When I sensed Anakin I rushed down to the hangar. I saw their ship land and Anakin limped off the ship. His clothes were shredded, his hair was a mess. What happened out there?

I rushed over to him, "Anakin," I gasped. "Are you alright?" I asked him.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," he tried to assure me.

"No, you're not. C'mon you need rest," I told him.

I walked with him back up to our room. "I'm going to take a shower, I'll tell you about Kashyyyk when I'm out," he said.

"Fine," I said. They get to go out and stop the Empire while I'm cooped up in here, I miss my old life!


Anakin stepped out of the bathroom with different Jedi robes on. "Now will you tell me what happened?" I pushed.

"Empress was there, and we aren't the only ones who trained for those two years," he said.

"Eh, figures," I shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess it took me by surprise," he said.

"Maybe this is a sign that you need to train more and throw yourself into battle less," I said.

"But battles are my training," he said.

"And now you sound that sixteen year old padawan I knew," I rolled my eyes.

"Hey!" He said offended.

"What? You don't just automatically become amazing at what you do. You have to train. I've trained to my limits, and I know you think you have but, you haven't," I explained to him calmly.

"You're probably right," he backed down, thank the force! He usually puts up an argument.
Hey guys!! Boring filler chapter... haven't updated in a while... I'm sorry that's gonna change. I'm having writers block right now. And I'm really really upset right now. So give me a few days and we'll most likely be back to how it was in the summer! Where I could update as much as I wanted and the chapters were actually good!

Love you guys!!!!<3<3<3

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