28| Jewelry Triggers

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Anakin's POV

The sun peered brightly through the blinds. My eyes slowly opened, I looked over and saw Laza still fast asleep. I buried my face into the pillow, and groaned. I did not want to be awake yet!

I felt Laza turn over in her sleep. I lifted my head and rolled over so we were now facing each other. I watched her sleep peacefully for a few minutes.

After a while her eyelids slowly parted revealing her sleepy blue eyes. "Good morning, Angel," I smiled at her.

"Morning, love," she groaned, sitting up. "Angel? Really?" She asked.

"What? You're my angel," I told her.

She laughed at me and rolled out of bed. "What do you want for breakfast?" She asked.

"Pancakes!" I jumped.

She laughed at my reply, "alrighty." I watched her put on one of my cloaks and exit the room. I let out a sigh of happiness and got out of bed.

I put on my cloak and a small box on the windowsill caught my eye. I walked over to the window and opened the box. It was the necklace I have Padmé, all those years ago. She knows where we are now...

I closed the box, I didn't know what to do with it. Do I leave it there? Keep it? Hide it? Burn it? Throw it away? I put it in my nightstand drawer.

I walked out to the balcony to try and think. I shouldn't have kept it... or I should've... I don't know!

A small part of me still held love for Padmé. I don't know why, I've moved on. Padmé's tried to kill me multiple times, then again Laza has almost killed me enough as well.

Why did I even fall in love with Padmé in the first place? She's beautiful and was the nicest person in the galaxy, then she turned. She ruined a lot things.

How did I fall in love with Laza? The day I met her I was so frustrated about Padmé I didn't even realize how amazing she was. It took me a while to admit my true feelings for her.

Why am I even debating this?! I love Laza more than anything or anyone, and I will destroy the Sith!

"ANI!" Laza called.

I rushed into the kitchen and saw her preparing two plates. "What's up with you? You went from crazy perky to concerned and awkward," she told me.

"It's nothing," I said starting to eat breakfast.

"LIAR!" She shouted.

"Wow! Loud lately?" I asked.

"You're lying! What happened?" She asked.

"It was nothing, Laza," I told her.

"I can tell when you're lying, Anakin," she mocked me.

"Fine," I sighed.

"Thank you, now tell me," she ordered.

"When I was nine, I have Padmé a necklace. And this morning on the windowsill was a box and the necklace was in it. Its been... its been bothering me," I told her.

"Oh," her face dropped.

"Don't worry," I pulled her into a hug, "you're the one I love."
Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update yesterday... had some issues. Anyway, I hope you're enjoying!

Love you guys!!!<3<3<3

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