Chapter 25: The day has finally come

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Today is the day. Tour day.

Me and my friend Jess are currently sitting in a taxi. It is quite late already, since Mettaton didn't start his show until eleven PM. Jess is shaking in excitement while sitting beside me. She was finally going to see her idol.

I myself are shaking in excitement as well. Only for other reasons. I am going to see my internet friends for the first time. It's sad that they have to leave almost after the show though. Being in a taxi is the most perfect moment to ask yourself questions. Like why don't we have a car to ride ourselves there?

I want to take a nap, but Jess wont let me. Every time I was half asleep, Jess would wake me and say that we would be almost there (which we wouldn't by the way).

Eventually, we reach the tour terrain and pay the taxidriver before stepping out of the vehicle and walking to the tour terrain. There are a few booths with both humans and monsters in front of them, only to buy or to show their tickets. Jess and I had already ordered the tickets online, which meant we should be able to quickly pass the booth and walk on the terrain, searching for a good place.

It wasn't the actual show I am looking forward to, heck, fuck the show, I was looking forward to the break, where I could meet my friends.

Jess and I are one of the first people to be on the terrain, so I got dragged towards the stage, so that we would have a good place to stand and see everything whatever would be happening on there.

Slowly but surely, the terrain began filling itself with people of both humans and monsters. The lights on the terrain muted themselves and the lights on the stage went on. A mix of bright pink and white was there to be seen. It sort of blinded me a bit. Everyone suddenly yells and screams.

Mettaton came on stage. "GOOD EVENING DARLINGS!" He yells, followed by people, including Jess screaming and yelling. Get me out of this right now. "ARE YOU ALL UP FOR A WONDERFULL SHOW?" Mettaton says and poses dramatically.
Again, screaming and yelling. Let it be break soon please.

Finally break came around the corner and the terrain began to empty slowly. Because Jess and I were standing in the front row, the two of you were the last to leave. Mettaton had already left the stage, so I figured I would just say hi after the show.

The two of you began making your way to the cafeteria. "That was absolutely amazing." Jess suddenly says. She is still sobbing from the first half of the show. I'm curious how she will survive the next part.

"Yeah it was all right." I agree and shrug. I'm already pretty happy that I'm not deaf. "Hey how about you get us something to drink and I'll find Sans?" I suggest.

"Sure." Jess simply agrees and runs off into the cafeteria.

Okay so I'm standing in front of a cafeteria right now. What should I do and where do I find that skeleton.

"NYAAGH YOU DIDN'T PAY FOR THAT!" A loud voice from the cafeteria shouted and was apparently chasing a bald man, in his mid thirties probably, who is running from the cafeteria with a couple of beers in his hand. I guess he had stolen those beers, and decide to chaise him as well. He is coming this way anyway.

I act like nothing is happening until the man came running towards me. I jump when he was in reach and got a hold of both his legs, making him tumble. The beer spats all over me when he fell.

"You bitch! Why the fuck did you do that!?" The man shouts and slaps me in my face. Well excuse you. I yell in pain. I hear footsteps coming closer, and the man attempted to run again, but soon got caught by a blue fish lady. Wait. Oh my god a blue fish lady. Undyne. I ran towards my friend and wrapped her in a hug when she had chained the man. "Dude what the hell is wrong with you?!" She spat and drags the man on his collar towards some building.

"Oh I just have really bad amnesia and some internet friends I want to meet." I smirk at her face of realization when she heard what I just had said.

"Wait don't tell me.." Undyne said with glinstering eyes. I nodded. She gives me a toothy smile and wraps me in a tight hug. "PUNK IT'S REALLY YOU!" Undyne laughed. "WE HAVE TO SEE THE OTHERS!"

I laugh at her enthusiasm and smile myself as well. "Can I maybe get a towel first? I got the beer all over me."

"Sure. Let me bring this dude over to that building first though. Wait here." She says, picks up the man and runs towards the building.

Undyne drops the man off there and runs back towards me. This reminds me of a puppy. I chuckle. "Dude we have to live in campers now. Come on, maybe someone is there. You can have a pair of my clothes." She excitedly says and drags me with her towards a field with a few campers on it.

Undyne eventually opens her camper and threw me a fresh set of clothes which consists of a red sweater with a black tanktop underneath it and some skinny jeans I didn't actually need because only my shirt was drenched. But she insists so I just take the offer. I quickly dress myself and leave the camper, to see Undyne waiting for me outside.

"Happy camper now?" I smile at Undyne.

"Yes! Come on we gotta see the boys first. Alphys is busy with Mettaton in the break anyways. You can see that cutie after the show." Undyne smiles and drags me towards the cafeteria.

My phone is buzzing, which probably will be a text of Jess.

Jess: Alex where are you? I can't find you anywhere and the show is starting

You: I'm in the cafeteria. Don't worry bout me. I'm fine :D

Jess: Ok have fun there x

You: You too x

I quickly reply while running towards the large building which smelled like beer and spaghetti. Undyne and I enter the building and saw just an empty (and dirty) room with tables and such.

"PUNKS COME OUT!" Undyne calls and grinned. She signs that I should go stand behind her. And so I did.

"NYEH UNDYNE! BACK SO SOON? ARE YOU HUNGRY?" A loud voice said from the kitchen. I really wanted to squeal from happiness. This was the kind (and really loud) voice of the one and only Papyrus. He talks in caps lock as well apparently.


"SANS?" Papyrus shouted.

"sup." A voice behind me says. I jump at the sudden voice and fell on the floor. I laugh when I see the shocked expression on his face. "Alex?" He says in a shaky tone and helps me up.

I couldn't do anything more than just hug him and sob. I have no idea why I'm sobbing though. Probably from happiness or something. I nod.

"oh god it's so good to meet you." Sans says and embraces me as well.

"Two seconds in and you both are already a crying mess." Undyne laughs and joins the hug.

"NYEH DON'T FORGET PAPYRUS!" Papyrus says and hugs everyone as well. "HI ALEX!"

"Hi Pap!" I smile happily.

"WE WERE JUST MAKING SPAGHETTI!" Papyrus excitedly says. "AND I PREPARED A PLATE FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU SAID YOU WANTED TO TRY IT!" He continues and runs of to the kitchen. I'm pretty sure I look like a sobbing, laughing and smiling dork right now but I don't care right now.

"you want something to drink?" Sans offers.

"Sure." I say and sit down at a random table with Undyne

Sans walks to the kitchen hastily to get me a drink. Then Undyne touches my arm lightly. "Dude if you don't go outside, you'll miss the show!"

"Don't care. I'd rather be you guys helping out here than going completely deaf out there. Have you even stood there?" I laugh. "So what can I help you guys out with?" I ask and look around the place.

"well we just have to make a shitload of spaghetti." Sans laughs and hands me the drink. I smile and take little sips from the drink.

"I can help with that." I state and stand up and roll up the sleeves from the sweater.

"m'kay then. let's make some spaghetti.'

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