Chapter 37: More and more embarrassing moments for the list (or Sans' list)

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Waking up, I didn't remember having no flesh. I neither remember wearing shorts and being a skeleton. Before me, was me? I am seeing myself. What is this. "What?" I stammer and immediately notice that I'm speaking in a deep tone.

Alex, me(?) is also exanimating her hands and body. "what the hell?" She says in her tone. But I'm Alex? "wait Alex, is that you in my body?" He, no, she stutters in disbelief. "I guess I am?" I say and look at Alphys. She is smiling. "Alphys? What did you do?" I ask her. She claps her hand excitedly. "You two switched bodies! It worked!" She smiles.

"good for you pal. can i kind of now have my own body back?" Alex asks, no screw that, I'm gonna call him Sans, because he is not me. I'm Alex in Sans' body now. "O-Oh of course! I'll get you the antidote. It's in my camper. Wait here!" She says and storms out the camper.

"this is weird." Sans announces. "my voice is so high." He says with an extra high pitched voice. "Hey my voice isn't that high!" I protest. "Oh look at me I'm mister deep voice. I have an amazing voice." I say with an extra deep voice. He laughs.. like me. Still weird.

"How are these bones holding together though?" I ask him. "It's not like I have any magic." I say and stick my hands in my pockets unintentionally. I'm already becoming him what is this.

"ha i have boobs." Sans says and wiggles them extremely. I touch them to hold them still. At that moment, Alphys comes in and giggles so intensely that she drops the blue antidote. She yelps. I remember that I still have my hands on her(?) boobs and quickly untouch them. "uh.. did you just drop the antidote?" Sans asks and looks at the lizard with a grin. It looks kinda creepy on Alex if I'm honest. "Uhm... Yes?" She answers. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. "can you make another antidote or am I permanently having these babies?" He asks and wiggles my boobs around again.

Alphys head turns red and quickly replies. "I-It w-will b-be r-ready in t-t-three days." She stutters and runs out of the camper. "What." I stammer. "dunno. guess we're body switched now?" Sans says and stands up. "want coffee?" He offers. I accept. "By the way, you don't have to grin every second as Alex. It looks kind of weird on me actually." I chuckle. "well that's just me. the grinnin' ol' skeleton." He says and shrugs it off. "god flesh is so weird."

"Tell me about it. I don't have my flesh."

"I have fleshy parts now." Sans says and wiggles his, no my, eyebrows at me. "YOU WILL NOT BE TOUCHING THOSE!" I protest and stand up. "By the way, don't drink too much coffee." Oh god wait. Three days. That's like going to the toilet at least seven times if I'm drinking coffee. Fuck. "why not?" He asks, completely clueless. Play dumb mister skeleton.. or human. "Uhm well humans go to the toilet." I explain. He snickers. "you're cute when you're flustered." He comments and hands me my coffee. "though, how are we gonna fix the bathroom then?"

Wait shit how is he even gonna change clothes. Fucking hell why did i say yes? "Uhm... you can not look or something?" I suggest. God this is awkward and weird and no one should have this conversation. "well how am i gonna change underwear then?" He asks casually and takes a huge slurp of his coffee. Oh god what. "Uhm.. Fuck what how are we gonna do that?"

"i could just see you naked. it's only flesh i mean." He suggests. What. Though, it is a good point. He's in the same boat as me and he doesn't seem to really care. "Let's not do that." I say,  cringing slightly at the mental image of Sans in my body. "well what do we do then." He says. "Just don't look I guess. Humans kind of value their body parts which are private."

"hey it's not that big of a deal. I'm in the same boat as you. it would be kinda weird if you just stood up and began stripping" He laughs. This makes me think. He is in the same boat with me. But him seeing me? Dunno about that though. Oh well.. "Sure." I say. Okay I'm instantly regretting this.

"you accept? would have thought that you actually would have made a huge protest." He says. "Well it's easier that way. We're friends. That way, we don't really have to take showers together to wash each other and not see each other... Naked i mean. As far as I could see you naked anyway." I ramble. I'm a fucking idiot, I'm a fucking idiot. Sans laughs. "wait how do we cuddle?" He asks to break the silence. "I guess I'll be the big spoon? Wait oh my god I'm taller than you. Can you stand up for a bit?" I ask and smirk as he stands up.

"I'm so tall oh look Alex size matters haha I'm Sans. I make inappropriate jokes at inappropriate times." I say in his voice and laugh. Now Sans has this evil smirk on his face.
"Oh look I'm Alex I'm such a tall noodle. I love the cuddles by Sans and I love Sans so much wow he's amazing I should tell Undyne all about it!" He shouts and runs towards the door. No no no no. "Sans stop!" I shout at him when he opens the door and runs towards the caravan behind ours.

He knocks at the door. Undyne opens with a grin. "Hey Alex! Have you seen Alphys? Come in by the way." Undyne says and pulls Alex inside. She closes the door before she notices me, the real Alex.

"I HAVE A PROBLEM UNDYNE, I JUST LOVE SANS SO MUCH!" I hear Sans shouting from the window. "WHAT YOU FINALLY ADMIT IT!?" Undyne shouts back. She seems fully serious. How am I going to explain this. I knock at the door too. It opens and reveals a grinning Undyne once again. "Hey Sans! Alex, your lover, is in here. Come in." She grins.

As I step in, I get this masterplan. It consists out of embarrassing the hell out of Sans. "Hey Undyne." I state. "Yeah Sans?" "I got a hot dog. And a hot cat. And I have this incredibly hot friend whose name is Alexandra Stephane Parker. You can suck either one." I say and grin. She looks at me in a weird way. She must not know that we body swapped.

"Sans what the fuck are you talking about." Undyne says cluelessly. "Just my hot friend Alex. Like she is really hot." I say and walk over to Alex' body, touch it with my index finger and make a sissing sound. "See, like really hot." I laugh.

"oh no I think my friend, Sans the hot skeleton is way hotter. Like look at that skull, isn't he handsome?" He says and looks me in the eyes in a challenging manner.

Well you know what Sans?

Challenge accepted.




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