Chapter 34: Let the bodies hit the floor

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Sans and I were only finishing our show when someone knocked on the door. "I'll open it." I say and walk towards the door. I open it and see Undyne with a big grin on her face. "Ready to make spaghetti punk?!" She says and grabs my arm to pull my outside. Sans appears outside too using teleporting. Yup, that is my job. Making an unbelievably big amount of Spaghetti on the nights Mettaton is performing.

Mettaton performance had just started, so we had  enough time to make it. I look at Sans, who has a weird look on his face. He looks like he is deep in thought, thinking about something. "Sup?" I ask and see him look at me confusedly. "Something bothering you?"

"don't worry 'bout it." He says and waves it off. We enter the kitchen and begin taking out the stuff Papyrus and I brought at the store. Papyrus waves at us, already fetching plates and cutlery to set on the table when the  show ends.

Sans and I begin chopping up tomatoes as Papyrus boils the noodles. "Really though, what's bothering you?" I try again. I'm worried. "If this is about today in the morning, I don't care, you were sleeping." I bring up. Shit wait did I have to bring that up? Again, something I regret saying is added to the list.

"nah it's not 'bout that." he says and grins. Okay.. well I still regret bringing it up. "WHAT HAPPENED IN THE MORNING?" Undyne suddenly says, creeping up behind us. I tense up at her touch. I look at her and she grins. "Something happened eh? Care to tell aunty Undyne?" Sbe says and tickles me. "Aunty?" I laugh. "kinky." Sans comments and continues to chop up tomatoes. "NYEH I HEARD ABOUT THAT!" Papyrus suddenly blunts. Fuck no.

"What?"  Undyne asks Papyrus and stops tickling me. "KINKY!" Papyrus shouts and looks right into the eyes of Undyne. "THE LEGENDARY SPAGHETTI MONSTER!" He says in all seriousness. "JUST A FEW PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT THIS LEGEND, BUT I TRUST YOU WITH THIS SECRET. ALEX TOLD ME ABOUT IT."

Is this a good moment to laugh, or to cry? I look at sans, whose eyesockets are completely dark. "uh paps. will you not tell people about the legend? it's really special." He says and returns to wearing his usual grin. "CAN UNDYNE JOIN OUR KINKY CULT?" He shouts. Luckily, there is no one else in this building. Oh god. Undyne is on the edge of laughing. "Alex, will you c-come outside for a bit?" She asks and picks me up, storming outside.

Undyne sets me down and a howling laughter is followed. "HAHAHA THE KINKY CULT?" She laughs. I cringe a bit and look at her rolling over the wet grass. "WHAT EVEN IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH SANS?" Undyne says and recovers from laughing. "We're just friends." I simply say. "And you're in a kinky cult with Pap and Sans?!" She says and looks at me intensely. "It was just a way to protect the innocence of Pap. By the way, knowing him, you're in our kinky cult as well." I say and wiggle my eyebrows. "I'll get to the bottom of this." She says and walks inside again.

I follow inside and stand besides Sans again, who's still chopping up tomatoes. "how did it go?" He whispers. "Fine. She said she will get to the bottom of this." I whisper back and grab my knife again. "the bottom of what?" He says and shoves the cutten tomatoes into a bowl. "Our nonexisting relationship and the cult." I simply whisper back and finish the tomatoes. "it could be existing." Sans says and nudges me with his elbow. "Dork."

"you want this skeleass and you know it." He teases. Well what if I want it huh? "Dream on skeledude." I say back and flip my hair dramatically. "when I look in your eyes I sure feel like I'm dreaming." He says out loud and immediately slaps his hand before his mouth.

I laugh a little too hard at his expression, immediately summoning a grinning Undyne behind you. "You two should date." She grins. We should. "We are just friends give it up fishlady." I say and stick my tongue out at Undyne. "I'm gonna plan a date for you two." She says and runs away. Okay what.

Suddenly, there is a loud sound of an explosion, which makes plates fall off the counter. I storm out the kitchen, grabbing the sleeves of Sans and Papyrus and dive under a table. The earth is shaking and loud screams are heard. "W-WHAT IS THIS?" Papyrus shouts over the sound of the explosion.

When the earth stops shaking, I come out under the table and look out of the window. Tons of people are storming towards the cafeteria and I see fire. "Guys.. Come see this." I say with a trembling voice. An explosion?

"what happened?" Sans says, slightly terrified. "I don't know. But it's bad." I say again. Sans lays his arm over my shoulder in a protective way. "S-SANS I'M SCARED." Papyrus says and hugs him, taking away the protective arm.

Undyne comes storming in with a terrified look on her face. "Guys? There has been an explosion. It's looking really bad."

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