Chapter 36: Mettaton™ Potions™

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Sans immediately tenses up behind me when he hears the second explosion. "jesus crist another one?" He asked no one in particular. "Fucking hell." I mutter and get out of bed to open the curtains Sans had carefully closed earlier. I only see a faint orange glow coming from the stage. Shit. I quickly run and get a sweater in order to not freeze to death and quickly run towards the terrain.

I look around and see flames. Everywhere. "A-Alex!" Someone shouts after me. I turn around to see a crying Alphys running towards me. "What happened?" I ask her. "I was j-just there! I watched the explosion. N-No one was t-there." She says shocked. "Are you all right?" I ask Alphys and look up to give her a kind smile. "N-Not really. I'm r-really shocked. N-no one was in there t-though. C-Could it be they w-wanted m-me?" She asks sobbing. Eventually, Alphys breaks down on my shoulder and I stroke her head awkwardly.

"PUNKS ARE YOU ALL RIGHT?" Undyne says while she comes running to the two of us. "Baby what happened?" Undyne asks Alphys and hugs her, leaving me with a wet shoulder. "I-I was w-watching." Alphys stutters and sobs in the leather jacket Undyne was wearing. "It's okay Al." Undyne reassures her and wraps her arms around Alphys.

"alex! are you okay?" Sans shouts while, surprisingly, running. I stick up my thumb and look at Alphys concernedly. Sans wraps me in a hug and looks at me. "don't go runnin' our like that. there could be a third bomb right where we stand." He says with a concerned face.

"Someone cares for their girlfriend!" Undyne grins. I give her a look, still being wrapped in the arms of Sans. "He's not my boyfriend!" I protest. Sans just lazily grins. "Oh good." Undyne says and picks me up. She easily shakes the skeleton hugging me off. "hey give her back, she's my waifu!" Sans protests. I blush and get set on the ground again. "You two should totally date!" Alphys joins in.

Okay how am I gonna respond. Tsundre? Laugh it off? Heck, we should date. "do you know what we should do? call the firefighters 'cus this place will burn off otherwise." He changes the subject and takes out his phone. "hey policepants... yes this is Sans... yes another explosion... five minutes? fine with me... okay see you." He says and hangs up.

"Who's policepants?" I ask and grin. "oh someone from the underground. he's cool." He answers and sticks his hands in his pockets. "we'll let the police handle this one. imma go to bed." Sans announces and walks back to the camper. "I'll come with." I say and loud giggles erupt from the ladies behind me. I swear to god.

In the morning, I was still cuddling with Sans when someone knocked on the door. I yawn and get up to answer it, but Sans pushes me down again. "lemme handle this one." He says in a sleepy tone and gets up. This normal grin appears and he opens the door. "oh hey Al."

"H-Hey Sans. I wanted to ask you something. Alex too by the way, where is she?" Alphys says and comes inside the camper. I get up and walk into the oh so called living room. "Morning." I say and greet her. "Y-You two slept in the s-same bed?" Alphys stutters and a crazy smirk appears on her face. The one Jess would have when she had her so called 'fangirl attack'. Wait.. "yeah. friends can cuddle right?" Sans says and walks to the kitchen to get something to drink.

"Anyway, w-will you guys test something for me?" The lizard asks and opens her leather bag and reveals two bottles with a pink substance in it. "what does it do? looks like a love potion for all I care." Sans asks and sits on the couch. "W-Well when Mettaton gets sick, he wanted to have a stand in. S-so i made this p-potion which basically switches the-" She stopped and looked anxiously at the two pink bottles. "Basically, why it's pink, Mettaton insisted, so I did some food dye in it. It should taste like strawberry." Alphys says and looks at me hopefully.

"sure. I'll do it if Alex is in." Sans says and lays back on the couch. He strokes Taco's fur and grins at the cat. "If it will help you out, I guess I'll do it?" I answer. Fuck, wait. She didn't even explain what I'm in for. Bad idea. Probably magic. I will either die or fall in love with Sans because it's a love potion.

"Y-Yay!" Alphys cheers. "Sans where are your glasses?" She asks. Sans points to the upper cupboard (which I cant reach) and grabs two plastic cups. "I n-need you to sit facing each other and l-looking each other in the eyes when you drink the cup at the same time." Alphys explains.

"Still sure it isn't some love potion?" I laugh and jump on the couch, making Taco jump off instantly. "Y-Yes I made it myself, I'm quite sure haha." Alphys laughs and hands the two of us the glasses. "I'm gonna count from three to one. At one, you two drink the potion at the same time and stare in each others eyes as you swallow it." She says. "No further questions?" Alphys asks. We both don't react and stare at the pinkish drink.

"Okay then.. Tree.. Two.. One.." She counts. We swallow and look at each other intensely before passing out.

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