Chapter 54,5: I don't really care about titles anymore :D

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Mettaton woke up in Alex' body and smirked. Finally, he would be in a human body. He sat up and looked at his robotic body. Alex seemed to be waking up as well. "YOU ARE AWAKE METTATON!" Papyrus says excitedly and picks him up. "YOU ARE STILL GREAT EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE IN ANOTHER BODY." He compliments him. "Thank you Papy dear~" Mettaton says and trails his index-finger down his chin. Alex clears her throat, and looks at them with crossed arms. Mettaton giggles, and Papyrus blushes orange. "Please don't do that in my body, thanks." Alex says and looks at her body. "Jesus." She says and stands up. Mettaton stands up as well and strikes a pose. Rusty Mettaton thinks and smirks to himself. "Darling, just follow my lead." Mettaton says and strikes a pose again. Alex follows and strikes the same pose. Papyrus does too. This repeats itself a couple of times and then, Mettaton claps his hands.

"Okay, we have half an hour left, and we still have to give you a microphone. You know how to use a microphone right?" Mettaton says and walks towards the stage. "Of course! Relax, what can go wrong?" Alex says and laughs to herself. Not a really convincing laugh that is.

After a while, Mettaton goes to the cafeteria to pull some pranks. You have to make fun while being in another body right? He sees Sans sitting in one of the chairs and smirks to himself. "sup A-Slice." Sans greets him. "Heya Sansy." Mettaton tries to casually greet him. "sansy?" He laughs. Mettaton goes to sit in his lap, flustering Sans quite a bit. "what did the toaster want?" Sans asks. The toaster? Oh you are going to get it Sans. What goes around, comes around right? "I dunno.. Toaster stuff?" Mettaton says, acting as much as Alex as possible. Sans hums. Mettaton smirks and leans forward a bit. He places his arms on his shoulders and begins to grind on his lap. "A-Alex?" Sans says, flushing blue. Mettaton smirks devishly and continues. "We are l-literally in a public p-p-place." He stutters. "I don't care." Mettaton speaks and suddenly jumps off Sans, and strikes a pose, by throwing his leg in the air. Unfortunately he slips and falls on his butt. Mettaton whimpers. "okay what is going on?" Sans asks.

Papyrus enters and looks at Mettaton. "METTATON, ARE YOU HURT?" He shouts, runs towards him and picks him up. "wait, mettaton?" Sans asked confusedly. "Payback for calling me a toaster darling~" Mettaton laughs and looks outside the window. "That.. That isn't how my show is supposed to go..?" He says to himself. Papyrus carries him towards the window. Mettaton sees his body sitting on the edge of the stage, interviewing some teenager. "seems like Alex is improvising. don't worry, she's a smartass. it will be okay." Sans reassures Mettaton and pats his back.

"I WILL BE DOING A MEET AND GREET IN THE BREAK!" She announces. "what." Sans says. "What is she doing.." Mettaton says. "I AM SURE ALEX WILL DO GREAT!"

"yeah, me too bro." Sans smiles.


Woop woop bonus chapter

idk i dont have much to say

my internet is being a butt btw

xoxo esmee

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