Chapter 32: Nightmare

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The day had eventually ended. It had consisted of being trapped in a camper with Sans and I went shopping for a shit ton of noodles and tomatoes with Papyrus.  

I am currently dressing into an oversized shirt with the triforce on it. I unhook my bra and swap my black skinny jeans for black sweatpants. I had already wished Sans a good night, so I could just sleep right away. Who knew that talking to Pap and being trapped could be so exhausting? I got into my sleeping bag and positioned myself well on the couch. After a little while, I fell asleep.

I was in the same living room again. My stepdad with a knife in his hand, and my mother with a huge cut in her arm.
My stepdad could be just an ordinary dad, taking the family to the beach or to a restaurant. But he had this nasty mood changes which often occurred. One of them, was now.

I stepped in the middle of my parents and told them to stop fighting. My stepdad didn't even listen and threw me on the ground, shoving me against a wall and attacked mom. I quickly grabbed the phone and ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I dialed 911 and soon help was send.

I heard my dad scream at my mom when I came out of the bathroom. My brother eventually comes racing in and tries to hold my stepdad back. He spat on him and pulled the boy up, using his hair. The man smirked and stabbed the child.

I screamed and saw white, blue and red lights lit the room.

I awaken again, cold sweat is streaming down my face. The same nightmare over and over again. I have been having these for almost five years now. I wipe the sweat off my forehead, using the sleeping bag and got out of it to get some water from the kitchen.

I fill a glass and see a blue glow coming from Sans' room. Should I go in? Fuck it. I walk trough the opening and see a lamp floating. Sans is spinning and turning in his bed. He is probably having a nightmare too. Poor guy. "Sans?" I say, trying to wake him up. He didn't, so I set my glass on the nightstand and quickly get a glass of water for him for when he wakes up.

"Sans? Wake up!" I say, now louder. He still didn't wake up. I shake his shoulders lightly. "Sans?" 

His eye sockets shoot open. One of them is lit with a blue flame, and the other one is completely dark. The lamp crashes on the nightstand. He has a terrified expression on his face. I smile at him and sit down on the bed and give him the glass with water. "It's okay. I'm here now, it was a nightmare." I reassure him and smile.

"t-thanks." He says and sighs. "how come you were awake though?" Sans asks and sets the empty glass down on the nightstand. He lays down again and hugs a pillow. "I had one too." I simply say. "Are you okay now?"

"think so." He says. "I'll go then. Night boneboy." I say and head to my trusty couch. "wait.. can you maybe stay?" Sans suddenly says. "Sure." I answer and grab my pillow and get in his bed. I now note it's quite soft, though I have lain plenty of times on it.

"ya sure you're okay with this?" Sans asks. "like, we're not gonna be weird 'bout it?"

"I'm fine." I reassured. I slowly eased myself under the covers. A few minutes ticked by. I already felt warm and shaky. I could already tell Sans was asleep from his steady breathing.


I actually never noticed that he breathed before. It makes sense. He could eat. And blink. And do other human things. I wonder if it is a subconscious act like in humans, or if he could live without it. I watch the lump in the covers rise and fall.

When I listen closely I could also hear a soft hum, almost like static, accompany the rise and fall of his breathing. I wonder if that is his magic. My face felt very warm. I am so close to him. I inched a tiny bit more towards him, doing my best not to wake him or be weird about this. My heartbeat felt deafening to me. It pounded in my ears.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

I hope he couldn't hear it the way I could hear him. I don't want to let myself unravel. I really like being his friend, and if that's all I'd be –my heart ached at the thought– then that was okay. I shifted so I was on my side, facing him, and I let his steady breath and static hum lull me to sleep.

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