Chapter 38: Bonegirl and Fleshboy

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After.. that.. we went back to our camper to figure things out. We also had to ride for the whole day, so I decided that I'd take the first shift. Sans was doing.. well I don't know. I should probably check though. "Sans what are you doing?" I shout and focus on the way again.

"it's so d-damn cold!"  He shouts back. Right.. skeletons can't feel temperature. "Come here for a sec then." I say. Immediately, he is standing right beside me. I give him the blue jacket I'm wearing. "that's better thanks pal." He thanks me and probably went to sit somewhere. 

After a while, It was Alex'.. or rather Sans' shift to take. I call him out and switch places with him. "seriously how do humans survive the cold?" He asks and sits down. "Well it's November. I guess you just should chill out or something." I say and give him a playful wink. "Oh god I'm already becoming you what is this." I mutter under my breath and leave.

I decide to change shirts, so i walk to the bedroom and search for the ugliest shirt in his closet. I eventually find one with 'pugly shirt' on it with a picture of a laughing pug. Oh this one wins. I examine his closet a bit more and notice.. boxers? Wait is Sans wearing boxers? I cringe a bit at the mental image and look at his pants. Should I...? I stick my finger between the line of his shorts and boxers and see that he is wearing actual boxers.

"whadda ya doin'?" Oh god no. I awkwardly laugh and freeze at the voice. "I.. Uh.. was checking if you had a di- I was checking out your boxers. Nice banana pattern on there pal!"  I say. If skeletons could blush, I would be bright red. Even more red than Alphys.

He laughs and leaves. Another moment for the list. "you know that I am a magic skeleton and the magic is in your body now right?" He shouts from the living room.

"Yes?" I answer unsurely and change into the ugly pug shirt. Wait did he hint that he couldn't spawn a penis right now..?  I shouldn't think about this right now.

Sans taps me on my shoulder and smirks as I turn around. Alex.. No, Sans has various tentacles behind him and smirks seductively. "You could be in a hentai movie right now." I comment. Though.. I look quite sexy. NO I WILL NOT BE INTO THIS. "well you could be." Sans laughs. "I'm so sexy look I'm Alex." He says and does a dramatic pose like Mettaton.

Right.. the game is still on. "Oh look at me I don't have a dick." I say and set my hands on my hipbones. "that was a really hip burn if I may say so." Sans comments. I laugh and let myself fall on the bed. "But seriously.. Tentacles?" I say, still laughing. "oh i can do a lot more when I'm in my own body." He smirks. "So you are like a hentai god or something?" I say and raise an eyebrow.. wait i don't have one how did i raise it. My eyes widened at a sudden thought. "Sans.. who is driving the caravan right now?"

"well Undyne wanted a break so we all stopped for a moment. want coffee?" He explains and offers. I nod. He walks to the kitchen and comes back with two cups of coffee. "freshly brewed for fleshgirl. or no wait.. bonegirl?" He says and laughs. Sans sits on the bed and Taco jumps in his lap immediately.

"Well hi to you too fleshboy." I laugh. My ribs are kind of vibrating I notice. I guess those are the perks of being a male skeleton. I let out a deep sound laugh. "havin' fun with my voice?" Sans comments and let out a really high pitched voice. "i love sans so much!" he sings. It doesn't sound all that well. I cringe a bit. "I will love Alex until i die." I sing in the deepest tone i could produce. "touché."

We eventually finish the ride and begin setting up the camper again. There is knocking on the door. I walk to it, but it gets opened straight away. "NYEH SANS?" Papyrus shouts. Wait does he know..? "Yeah bro?" I try to impressionate him as much as possible. "GREAT YOU ARE HERE! CAN YOU COME WITH ME FOR A SECOND?" Papyrus proposes. "Yeah of course. I'll say to Alex that I'm with you hold on." I say and race to the bedroom, where Sans is sleeping. I don't want to wake him,  so i write a note that I'm with Papyrus and I will be back soon.

I come to the living room again and see Papyrus standing with his arms on his hipbones. "READY FOR SOME BROTHER BRO TIME?" He shouts. I'm feeling that this won't be the best idea. Whatever I should have fun. "Yeah of course. You are the best bro after all." I comment and give him my best grin. "Wait what is my favorite vegetable?" I grin. Oh this is gonna piss him off. "SANS IF THIS IS ANOTHER PUN I SWEAR I WILL-" "It's broccoli." I laugh an step out of the caravan.

Well bro to brother time it is then.

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