Chapter 64: Get up cause the world has left you lying on the ground.

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By the time I went to look for Sans and Papyrus, the party had already ended. I eventually had found them sitting on the stairs, in front of the fancy building Mettaton had planned to give the party in. I see Sans patting his back. Papyrus is obviously crying, with his head in his hands. Should I go there too? I don't know. I've handled Sans crying a couple of times after nightmares.
I decide to go over there and hug Papyrus from behind. "I'm here for you." I say. "But don't lose hope. No, it didn't work out and yes, of course it sucks. But use this time to focus on you, and only you. It's gonna be alright soon." I smile. Papyrus dries his tears and mumbles a raspy thank you.

One week later, Sans and I are still trying to cheer Papyrus up. Nothing had worked so far. We've tried making dinner, making some puzzles with him.. Heck, even Sans was contemplating about going for a jog with Papyrus.

So right now, we had formed this master plan. What about not making food for Papyrus, no, let's make food with Papyrus. Sans made a quick trip this morning to the store to make some spaghetti tacos, which he really has wanted to try since watching iCarly on Nickelodeon. "I'll go and get em." I say and give a confident nod to Sans. I'm sure we're gonna make him forget Mettaton in no-time. I knock on the door to his room. "Paps? You in there?" I say. "Yes I am, come in." Papyrus says softly. He hasn't shouted since the M-word accident. I open the door and step into the messy room. Well.. He's a mess for sure. Papyrus is laying in his race car bed, which I had found quite funny when I first came into this house. "How are you doing champ?" I ask and pat his back. "Meh." He answers and shrugs. "So the other day we were watching iCarly right?" I say and smile at him. He nods. "You remember the spaghetti tacos?" Papyrus nods again. "Well.. Wanna make em? Sans went to the store today and got some spaghetti and taco shells." I smile. Papyrus shrugs again. "Hey, it'll be fun. I'm not forcing you by the way, but we'll listen to some good music and have a good time!" Papyrus looks at me. "All right."

That had been settled. Ten minutes later, Papyrus was in his regular Papyrus form, shouting and laughing. Me and Sans were shooting each other happy looks. Sure, he wouldn't be cured from making taco's once but that's okay. "oh my god." Sans says while laying the taco shells in the oven. He teleports out of the kitchen and comes back into the room with Taco, the cat. I snort. "WHAT A FUNNY COINCIDENCE THAT IS!" Papyrus shouts and strokes the cat. "By the way, do you happen to know some apartments with a possibly low rent that are in this neighbourhood?" I ask as Sans sets the cat on the ground again. "huh? why?" He asks. "Oh well I figured I couldn't be staying here forever, i mean.." "hey you can." "YES INDEED YOU CAN ALEX!" I laugh. "Alright. But we'll split the rent so that I can pay too." I say. "nah. you don't have to pay." "Yes I have and I won't rest until i get to pay." I say and demonstratively stand my ground. "you get to pay a quarter and that's it." Sans says. "Thirty percent." I say. Sans grabs my hand and shakes it. "deal."

We continue cooking again and decide to make some homemade ketchup for Sans too. We have enough tomatoes after all. Then the playlist who had been playing unfamiliar songs so far, plays one that I know. It's Johnny boy from Twenty one Pilots. I smile as I hear the lyrics.

Get up Johnny boy, get up Johnny boy,
Get up cause the world as left you lying on the ground.
You're my pride and joy, you're my pride and joy.
Get up Johnny boy because we all need you now.

We all need you now.

I think that this song is what symbolises Papyrus and Sans best. They're always there to cheer up everyone, and when they are sad they hide their own misery from the other people and themselves. They lie to themselves saying that everything would be okay. They have to be okay, so they convince themselves of it. Everyone takes them for granted and they are scared to ask for help because they think of them as infinite persons and don't want people to get worried.
To me, this is about making someone feel appreciated and loved because they deserve it the most.

At that exact moment, my phone gets a message. I get it out of my pocket and see a mail. It's from Alice, my cousin. I wonder what she has to say to me actually. I look at the boys, who have already continued making the sauce. I open the email.

Subject: Wedding!

Hey Alex!

How are you?

Me and Chris are getting married! I'm so happy to announce that the wedding will be in two weeks (1/02/20XX). We'll be getting married in South-Afrika by the way. Just to let you know. ;P

We'll of course refund the flight and you can have a +1 or date with you.
And We'll mail you the exact time and address in another e-mail.

Any questions? Just mail me!

XOXO Alice



sort of

idk i just got sudden motivation and inspiration

btw a new oc is coming and im v excited


i first had a cruel plot in my head but i'll scratch that and just end it casually soon (in about 10 chapters or something i dont know)

but whatever


xoxo esmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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