Chapter 26: WHAT

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I was only cutting tomatoes when I notice Sans beside me, grinning. "wanna learn how to cut tomatoes like a pro?" He smirks and takes his right hand out of his pocket. I snicker. "Sure. Show me how it's done boneboy." I say and see him take my place behind the cutting board.

A blue power forms in his hands and a blue aura surrounds a couple of knifes. The knifes begin cutting and mashing the tomatoes while Sans is lazily grinning at me.
So he has telekinetic powers. Well then. He didn't lie about being a magical skeleton.

"ALEX ARE THE TOMATOES READY?" Papyrus shouts from the other side, busy with boiling the noodles.

"Almost!" I shout and eye Sans a nervous look, who is currently shoving the tomatoes in a bowl with his powers. When the tomatoes are done, I bring the bowl to the taller skeleton, who thanks me.

"So what now?" I ask him and look at the kitchen. Undyne is busy doing whatever she is doing. Probably smashing something and Sans is doing.. well.. Sans things.

"YOU CAN HELP PLACING PLATES AND CUTLERY ON THE TABLES!" Papyrus shouts and points at a rather large cupboard, probably with the plates in it. I open it and grab the plates out of it and walk trough the door, into the cafeteria. I also notice how Mettaton is ending the concert and the majority of sound which is coming trough these walls is insane.

I begin placing the plates on the tables while humming a Mettaton song. Blame the concert for that I suppose.

"need help?" Sans asks suddenly. I jump at his deep voice, not expecting him to behind me. "jeez calm down. I know I'm stunning but you don't have to jump." He laughs and begins placing cutlery on the table.

"Well have a knife day." I grin.

Sans laughs and continues placing the cutlery. "See you spoon."

I snort. "You better fork off with your puns." I laugh again and finish placing the plates. Sans finishes as well and returns to the kitchen with me.

"that was forking terrible."

"SANS I SWEAR TO GOD WE HAVE A GUEST YOU CAN'T MAKE PUNS!" Papyrus shouts angrily and stands in the doorway. I'm pretty sure I see a smile on his face as well though.

"Too spoon?" I grin at Papyrus' face.


"Hey spooner or later I'll leave." I laugh. Sans is now rolling on the floor.

Undyne groans at my amazing puns and continues smashing things. I hear the door opening and I look the way of the door. Mettaton and a lizard lady are standing in the doorway. Deep breaths Alex, deep breaths.

"HELLO DARLINGS! I AM BACK!" Mettaton shouts and poses dramatically in the doorway, which is inconvenient for Alphys, since she hasn't walked out of there yet.

"ALPHYS!" I shout a little too enthousiast and run over there to hug her.

"A-Alex?" She stutters and hugs back awkwardly. Maybe I shouldn't have been that excited, since she is jumpy and all.

"The one and only." I smile and let go of her.

"Oh w-wow! It's so g-good meeting  you!" Alphys laughs and walks into the kitchen. "Is everything going as planned here?"

"YES! WE EVEN HAVE TIME LEFT BECAUSE ALEX CUT THE TOMATOES AND SET THE TABLE WITH SANS!" Papyrus shouts happily and energetic as always. If I won't be deaf in a few hours, that would be a miracle.

"I believe we met online?" Mettaton asks you innocently and shakes my hand before striking a dramatic pose again, causing me to bow forward.

"Yeah we talked one or two times." I say. Oh if Jess would know I am talking to Mettaton..

"mt?" Sans asks, getting the robot's attention. "so Alex is kinda looking for a job. and I thought maybe you could help her out? I mean we could use some help in the kitchen and such." He asks.

Wait what? Did Sans literally talk me into a job. I swear if he succeeds I'll kiss him.

"Well that is true." Mettaton says and thinks for a bit. "You know what Alex? Welcome to the MTTEAM!" He announces, claps his hands and poses dramatically again. Okay well I have to kiss a short skeleton now. Also, WHAT?
I just stand there in shock. How the hell am I going to even to this? I mean can I go on a tour just randomly? "You do want to join the MTTEAM, do you?" Mettaton asks when I didn't say anything.

"No, no I do!" I smile. "How am I going to go fix how I travel though? Aren't you guys like packing tomorrow or something?" Fuck how the hell am I going to do this?

"well I have a two persons camper. you could stay over with me if you like?" Sans suggests.

Okay fuck this might actually work. "I suppose I could?" I say, completely bewildered. "If I won't be intruding that is."

"WELL THAT'S SETTELED THEN!" Mettaton shouts and claps his hands. "You can get your stuff when the cafeteria closes, which is in two hours."

Three hours later, I come home with Jess and begin packing all my stuff. I start with a blanket and pillow, which were followed by the more necessary stuff, for example: my laptop and a charger for every electrical object I own.

"I'll miss you." Jess says, entering my room and hugging me. "Make sure to take a ton of pictures okay?"

"Promise." I smile and let go. "By the way, can you sit on my suitcase, it won't close." I say and sit down to close the suitcase with Jess on it.

"Wait I have an idea, can I take you there? I can take Jake's car." Jess suggests with a smug look on her face. Oh I know what she's up to.

"You do realize Mettaton has a boyfriend?" I grin and stand up.

"I know! But I just want to see him so badly." Jess says with her famous puppy eyes. She grins at my face when she knows I gave in. "YES!" She yells and makes a victory dance. "Let's get you in a car then." Jess says and pulls you towards the exit of the apartment.

"Yup. Let's go."

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