Chapter 28: Flesh and Bones may break a nose.

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Undyne quickly unlocks the door of the camper and sees me and Sans standing in or pajama's, heading for bed. "What? I thought I heard someone shouting about naked?" Undyne says and sends me a toothy grin.

"Dude we were just changing calm the fuck down." I say and laugh it off. This girl.. I continue rolling out my sleeping bag and placing it on the couch.

"Why isn't she sleeping in your bed Sansy?" Undyne teases Sans and comes into the camper. Sans just shrugs and laughs. "Oh sheet I haven't even asked her if she wanted to yet." He says and gives me a comedic wink. Undyne groans, unlike me, who just laughs unattractively.

"Hey I'm pretty good in bed if I may say so." I say and elbow him. "I can sleep for days." I grin. Sans' laugh fills the room while Undyne groans again.

"I swear to god looking at the two of you makes me want to puke." She says disgustedly and gives me a toothy grin. "Okay but the reason why I came here. We're making a campfire and you two could join if you two aren't too busy flirting."

I blush and nod slowly, so does Sans. "I'm gonna keep my PJ's on though. don't feel like changing." Sans says and shrugs.

"Whatever. Just go naked." Undyne responds sarcastically and laughs. "Well what are you two waiting for? Bring blankets and come outside."

I look over at Sans, who is opening a cupboard and grabbing blankets out of it. He tosses one to me and signs we should follow her. When we arrive outside, Undyne is already walking to the fireplace, leaving us behind. "really though, I could take the couch." Sans suddenly says and looks at me

"Nah it's fine." I quickly say and walk over to the fireplace. Apparently everyone was there, sitting on logs, roasting marshmallows and talking to each other. Sans and me sit over to the only log that is left.

"O-Oh there you are!" Alphys says excitedly. "Why are you two in your pyjama's already? You know we do this every second day Sans."

"kinda slipped my mind tibia honest. it has been a long and weird day." Sans says and gives Alphys the same comedic wink he had given you a few moments ago.

She nods and leaves the two of you be. I stare at the fire and slowly get caught up in it. The fire just seems so hypnotizing somehow. I wrap the blanket around myself and find a comfortable position to sit at the log. You looked around and saw Mettaton and Papyrus being cute together. That also counts for Alphys and Undyne, who are cuddling each other silently.

I smile at the sight and see Papyrus getting out of Mettatons grip. "I WANT TO TELL YOU ALL A STORY!" He suddenly shouts, which makes everyone look up at him. "THIS STORY IS ABOUT THE LEGENDARY SPAGHETTI!"

And at realizing what he was about to say, you looked at Sans in terror. Sans shot you a fearful look and stood up. "haha how about we play truth or dare Paps? we'll leave that story for another time." Sans quickly says and sits down again. Papyrus gives him a puzzled but eventually gives in.

"OKAY WE CAN PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!" The tall skeleton shouts and sits down as well. He smiles and leans at Mettaton again. Cute.

"I WILL GO FIRST THEN!" Papyrus shouts enthusiastically. Thank god he saved Paps from his innocence being destroyed. Whatever the cost is. "SANS.. TRUTH OR DARE?"


Papyrus thinks for a moment and hums. "WHO IS THE BEST BROTHER IN THE WORLD?" He asks and gives him a hopeful smile.

Sans pretends to think for a second and taps his bony fingers on the logs, and then answers. "obviously you bro." He smiles and taps his fingers on the logs again.

"NYEH HEH HEH I KNEW IT!" Papyrus shouts, making Mettaton jump. He probably was just dozing off. The poor robot.

"kay. uh.. Alphys.. truth or dare." Sans lazily says and wraps his blanket around him as well.

Alphys thinks for a moment and smiles. "I-I'll go with t-truth!"

Sans thinks and laughs to himself evilly. Oh god what has he thought of now. "have you ever written a fanfiction about 'dyne where she doesn't know 'bout?" He smirks and looks at Alphys.

Alphys is a red blushing mess right now. I laugh to myself and clap. "I-I-I-I d-d-did?" Alphys stutters and hides her face in her brown jacket.

"Dude I have to see that now!" Undyne smiles at her with a toothy grin. She kisses her forehead and whispers something that makes them both stand up. "We're gonna read fanfiction about us for the rest of the night! Bye!" Undyne shouts as they are walking to their camper.

"I think we should go too Papy~" Mettaton smirks seductively and grabs Papyrus shirt to pull him into a kiss. I look over to Sans, then his fingers who are practically caving into the wood. I smile and lay my hand on his shoulder to calm him down. He looks at me and smiles back. We are basically watching his brother and boyfriend make out now. "W-we should take this somewhere else." Mettaton says and picks Papyrus up. "Toodles!" He says and runs off.

"Well it's only us now I suppose." I say quietly and watch the fire again.

"you tired?" Sans asks and looks at me with a smile.

"Nah not yet. I'm used to go sleeping around six." I say and look at him back. "Good job saving Pap's innocence by the way. What would have happened if he said kinky in front of Undyne and Alphys?" I laugh.

"dunno. Hell would probably break loose." He answers and gets an idea. "hey I'm gonna get something really quick kay?" He says and stands up. You nod as he walks away to the camper. Is he going to kiss himself now? Okay no that is weird Alex what the hell. I just keep staring at the campfire until Sans comes back with a.. Guitar? "got it." He says and sits down next to you again. This time, with a guitar.

He begins playing some accords and then sings. "Flesh and bones may break a nose, and your puns, they really kill me. Flesh and b-o-o-o-ones may break a nose but your puns, they really kill me." He sung. You laughed and clapped.

"Did you just make that up?" I ask and look at him, smiling.

"nope. I just thought of it today and wanted to type it in the chat, but I figured this was better. well.. not really better because I can't sing but anyways.."

"Wow, wow, wow. Just stop there a moment. You can sing really well." I encourage him. A baby blue tint was plastered on his face now. "ugh how did I deserve this?" He says and looks at the fire. "I mean like you are coming on tour now. instead of spending five minutes together, we get to spend five whole months together!"

"Hey if it wasn't for you, I'd be sitting in my apartment, being just another insomniac and drinking coffee to keep me awake. "Thanks."


So little Authors note here :D

1. I drew Alex!

 I drew Alex!

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2. Gimme Ideas for new chapters! :D


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