Chapter 56: are there any more synonyms for cool

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Sans had been gone for all day. We were on the edge of moving to another location. We all were excited for that location, since there would be a big ice skating park on the terrain. Yeah, who would had thought that? Ice skating. I was just laying in bed, talking to Jess over skype when I got handed a mug of hot chocolate by my favorite fish-lady. "Sup punk!" She greeted me. "Heya." I say and drink from the mug. "So what are you up to? Where's your skeleton?" Undyne grins and looks at my screen. "Hey, Jess! Haven't spoken to her in forever!" She says and sits next to me. "Hey Undyne! How are you?" Jess says and waves. "Oh I'm great! How about you?" Undyne speaks and sends her a big grin, completely forgetting I was here too. "Not so great actually.." Jess says and looks away from the camera. "Huh? What's up J?" I say and turn the laptop to me slightly. "Jeff and I broke up. I found out he was cheating on me." She says and continues, "Now he keeps texting me." I look at Undyne, she looks at me and smirks. "Hold on." I say and take out my phone and dial Jeff's number.

"Alex? Why are you calling?" Jeff's voice says as soon as I turn on the speaker mode. "Oh I don't know? Maybe because you cheated on my best friend?" I say angrily. "Can you not be mad?!" He returns. "Hey by the way, a relationship is meant for two, obviously you don't know how to count." I say and smirk. Jeff tries to say something, but gets interrupted by me again. "Listen you dumb fuck, you wasted your chances with Jess, thanks for the EXperience, your time has Expired, now Exit out of her life and don't you dare text her again. Bye." I say and hang up. 

"Punk, you are a badass." Undyne giggles, which escalates into buildering laughter. Jess laughs as well. "Wow you're suddenly good at comebacks." Jess laughs. "Wait.." Undyne says and smirks. "Did Alex spill the news already?" She asks to Jess. "What news?" Jess asks and smirks at me. "THE PUNK IS DATING SANS!" Undyne shouts. "REALLY?" Jess giggles which escalates into hysterical laughter and clapping too. "Oh my god you guys are so cute!" She laughs. I blush and just drink some hot cocoa. 

At night, Sans finally came back with a huge backpack on his back. "girl you're so attractive, the gravitational disturbance is causing my galactic center to elongate." Sans says and grabs my hand. I laugh at his line. "So where are we going?" I ask and look at him. I didn't know what to wear, so I just chose to wear a green sweater with some black pants beneath them. "duh, stargazing." He says. "well hop on my back because we are going to travel through space and time." He says and then snorts. "okay I didn't even intend that pun." I jump on his back and he makes what seems like a gate thingy. 

Traveling trough space and time seems much like the feeling of falling actually. No, more like bungee jumping. You aren't sure if you will fall to your death or just get pulled up by a rope. I didn't hear the voice this time, which was pleasant. 

"you can open your eyes now." Sans says as soon we had reached our destiny. I open them and see a blanket, spread out on the ground. We are surrounded by trees, so I assume we are in a forest. Next to the blanket, is a picnic basket and two glasses of wine. "Fancy.. Fancy." I say, impressed. "I got extra blankets too for if you were cold." Sans says and opens the backpack, to reveal two striped blankets. I sit down and get handed one. "oh and I also got this book. I brought it before, but it kinda got blown to pieces." He chuckles and throws a book in my lap. 'The only astrology book you'll ever need.' It was titled. I laugh and open it, to reveal lots of plain text. 

I lay down and look at the stars. "There are plenty of stars tonight." I say and look at Sans. "hmm." He mumbles and looks at the stars as well. "they are so beautiful." He says. "Not as beautiful as you." I grin and poke him in the place his stomach is supposed to be. He looks at me and smiles. "how can you compare this," Sans points to himself, "to that?" He points to the sky. "Oh I have tons of special talents." I laugh. Sans grins and gets closer to me. "what kind.. of special talents?" He whispers and lightly brushes over my lips. "Cool talents." I respond. Okay no I'm an idiot, why the fuck did I say that. Sans snickers and kisses me. "cool." He says. "Rad." I respond. Sans wraps his arm around my shoulder and I let my head rest on his arm. "I made a quiche by the way." He announces and opens the picnic basket with his telekinesis. "Cool." I say while looking at the flying quiche. "chilly." He says and hands a slice of the quiche to me. "Air-conditioned." I fire back. "okay you win, jeez." He laughs. "Getting beaten at your own game nerd." I say. "wow you hang out with Undyne too much." He laughs. 

"really though, I'm glad we met on that chatbox. like, super duper glad." Sans says and kisses me on my cheek. "Me too. By the way, your quiche is amazing." I say and smile at him. I wrap my left hand around him and continue eating the slice with the other hand. 

This.. is life.






Sorry for the delay by the way, my school was killing me physically and emotionally and mentally and just ugh

I literally drunk 6 cups of coffee on sunday. Yes, it was that bad.


well bye yay

(I swear next chapter will the plot be continuing, i just was too exhausted to think ok. oh its 4 am. ohhhhhhhhhhh)

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