Chapter 33: Yet another awkward moment for the list

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Waking up cuddled next to Sans in bed was much different than waking up cuddled next to him on the couch or him laying on top of me next to a campfire. For one thing, he was actually in the bed. 

And another thing, on the couch, the touching was mostly limited to his arm resting around my waist. What I was not expecting when I woke up here was Sans's face pressing into the crook of my neck, his leg wrapping itself around my thighs, and his hand cupping my breast and pulling me into him.

I actually didn't expect him to be a cuddler. Damn. It was really cute.

Honestly, I was kind of half expecting myself to be in his position with my  tangled up in his ribcage or something. But...this is nice. I close my eyes to get a few more minutes of sleep.



My eyes flew open and my drowsiness disappeared now that I realize what an incredibly compromising position I am in. Sans' hands are holding my boobs. I start to squirm as my face reddened. Should I try and get out of his grip or should I pretend to be asleep until he wakes up and realizes what he is doing?

Sans could probably sleep forever, so option two was out.

I try to gently push his leg off mine, but it wouldn't budge. How is he so strong?  I continue to squirm and I tried to pry his hand off my chest, interlacing his fingers with mine.


I pause and hold my breath. Please. Do. Not. Wake. Up.



I try moving his hand again.

"what're ya doin?" he mumbled.


His fingers twitch and brush against my nipple. I could feel him stiff behind me. I cautiously turn my head so I am facing him. His pupils had shrunken to tiny pinpricks and his gaze flickered between my eyes and my hand over his hand over my breast.


He pulls back his hand and unhooks his leg as if my skin is burning him. "sorry." He quickly apologizes. "i didn't mean-"

"It's all right. You were sleeping." I say as he is quickly getting out of bed. Yet another moment to add to my awkward moment list.

He scratches his skull and stands there awkwardly. I get up as well. "do you wanna have breakfast?" Sans asks awkwardly, walking to the kitchen and getting out two bowls as I nod a yes. I walk to the oh so called living room, and get some clothes which were still in my suitcase to wear for the day. I should really get a closet or something. Oh well..
I get my clothes and get into the bathroom to change. My outfit consisted of a black pair of skinny jeans and a knotted beige sweater.

I step out of the bathroom and get the bowl of cereal that is standing on the coffee table. I sit next to Sans, since he is watching Steven Universe. That's my shit right there. This episode was one of the first ones in the season, which I of course knew by heart. "Is this your first time watching Steven Universe?" I ask Sans. "yup. really like it so far. frisk suggested it to me." He answers and eats a spoonful of cereal.

After a while, when two episodes had passed, we both finished our cereal. There was excited knocking on the door, so I decide to open it. In front of me, was Papyrus, smiling as always. "HELLO HUMAN ALEX! IS SANS THERE AS WELL?" He asks, no, rather shouts. "dunno paps. am I here or is life just an illusion?" Sans smirks and appears behind me. Papyrus looks at him questioningly and continues. "METTATON WANTS YOU BOTH TO MEET THE AUDIO AND SOUND GUYS!"

Papyrus grabs my arm and pulls me out of the camper gently. He actually carries me on his back to where backstage soon should be. Sans follows and smirks at my confused face. Believe it or not, but I have the ability to walk.

"You must be Sans and Alex." A voice behind us says. When Papyrus turns around, I fall of him and quickly stand up. Damn I feel small with all these big monsters here. The man who recognized us, looks at us kindly. "the one and only." Sans answers and gives him a lazy grin.

"Very well. Mettaton wanted you to meet us or something. I don't exactly know why, but here we are." Another man says and does the Jazz hands.

"I'm Jeremy." A man with shaved brown hair says and shakes my hand. I nod and smile. "Alex."

Another man with dirty blonde hair shakes my hand and smiles. "I'm Patrick."

The third man with long brown hair shakes my hand, but doesn't smile that much. "I'm Bacchus" He says and steps back. When he shakes Sans' hand, he looks rather disgusted. Rude.

The other two introduce themselves as well. They are twins with red hair. "I'm Harley and that's Hayden." One says. I'm probably just gonna call them the wrong name so there isn't really a point in introducing themselves. 

"Well it was good meeting you. What do we do now?" I ask rather awkwardly. Stop. Acting. Awkwardly.

"I don't know. We met I guess. We have to get back to work though last moment things have to be done." Presumably the leader, Harley says.

Sans and I walk away from the group. "so we have like six hours for ourselves. what do you wanna do?" He says and walks forward on the grassy terrain. "Well we can stay inside and watch a show or something?" I suggest. Wow I'm an introvert.

"sure." Sans says and grabs my hand. Suddenly, everything is turning and twisting and I have the feeling of falling. Then, we are in our camper. I look at him confusedly. "W-What was that?"

"oh I forgot to tell you that I can manipulate space and time. no biggie." He says and walks into his bedroom to get blankets. He can.. Jesus. "You are joking." I state and sit down.
"dunno.. am I?" He asks and smirks. Suddenly, my back is on the plafond of the camper. "don't think I am pal."

I want to say something, but I'm just too amazed. He can teleport, manipulate gravity and has telekinetic powers. Damn, I have a cool friend

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