Chapter 46: I cringed while writing this but this isn't fanservice I swear

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- Undyne's POV -

Alex' birthday party had.. Escalated. At nighttime, we had moved into a bar in the city we were staying in. The bar was a monster - human bar, so no worries about that.

"Do you guys want something to drink?" Alphys asks me. I smile at her. "Only a kiss from my favorite dinosaur." I say, wiggle my eyebrows and kiss her. Her face immediately reddens, causing me to laugh. "A beer is fine. Get Jess one too Alphy." Jess joins in. "You two are so cute I can't even." She laughs.

The party has been going nicely so far. It wasn't a real surprise party due the fact Alex planned it while being in Sans' body. Everyone heard that after Papyrus and Alex planned it. Oh well, the party has been fun so far.

Alphys comes walking back with three beers in her claws and hands one to me. "L-Look at your right!" She snickers. I turn my head to the right and see Sans and Alex (very drunkenly) dancing with each other. "We should totally head over there!" I laugh. Alphys and Jess nod, both determined and Alphys grabs my hand before walking over to the two.

"Nice party eh?" I say, opening a conversation. I look at Sans, then Alex and laugh. "Wow you guys are drunk." Jess comments. Alex speaks up. "I-I'm not drunk. Let's get a tattoo." She says and attempts to run away, only to get pulled back by Sans. "I'd rather give you a kiss." He says, drunkenly as well and begins making out with her.

Alphys looks at me with the same face I'm giving her. This is the oh-my-god-our-ship face. Jess squeals and we attempt to turn around, letting them make out in peace. Loud moans erupt from Sans and Alex, who are still making out. "I want you so bad." moans Alex. Oh god. "i need you." Moans Sans and begins touching her waist. "now let's take this somewhere else, shall we?" He smirks and walks out of the bar with Alex, not even looking at us.

"S-Should we do something?" Alphys questions. "Uhm.. Well I don't know?" I say. "We could follow them?" I suggest and take Alphys' hand and guide her out of the bar Jess follows with a grin on her face. I wave a quick goodbye to the bartender and get greeted by the cold air. Alphys catches a glimpse of the dress Alex had been wearing and runs towards them. We only see them teleport away. "Well fuck." She swears. "What should we do?" I question.

"O-Okay so d-do you remember that anime we watched.. T-the one where the friendship becomes all awkward after t-they hook up?" Alphys suggests. "Fuck yes I remember that one."
"W-Well maybe we should go home and k-kind of separate them after they are done d-doing-" Alphys stutters and her face reddens. "How long of a drive is it again? I slept while you were driving." Jess says and scratches her head. "An h-hour? We couldn't find any monster friendly bars nearby." She says.

"Well hop on then, because I'm gonna run. It's faster that way." I say and lift both of the girls up my back. "Are you sure?" Alphys asks me. I kiss her forehead and smile. "Heck yes! Let's do it!" I laugh and heroically throw my fist up the air before running into the night.

When we eventually reached the terrain, I'm nearly out of breath. Alphys gets of my back first and grabs my hand. She smiles and begins walking (thank you Alphy) towards the campers. The lights are still on at Sans' and Alex' camper, so we check the door for any sound and enter when we hear no sound.

"They are asleep." Alphys says and walks over to the bed. "A-And naked." She stutters as her face reddens. "What should we do with them?" I ask her. She is the genius out of us. "W-Well separate them?" Alphys suggests.

"Maybe dress them as well?" Jess blends in. "You can pick something for Alex and dress her then. I'm not touching those two!" I say and laugh. "Ew what if I would be dressing Sans and he wakes up?" I laugh and cringe at the mental image.

"Oh my god guys I just had the greatest idea. What if we pull out those Mew Mew Kissie Cutie dresses and dress them in that?" Alphys laughs. "Yes let's do that!" Jess laughs as well. I toss the keys to Alphys and let her get the dresses. I'd probably rip them apart by accident anyway. "So you wanna dress up Sans?" Jess winks. "Only if my cutie dinosaur haves a wig which I could dress him in." I laugh.

A few moments later, Alphys comes back with a blonde wig and two schoolgirl outfits. Well I'm screwed I guess. Jess nods at Alphys when she gets handed the clothes and walks over to Alex. Wait maybe I should help. I lift her out of bed, not remembering she is naked. Shit she is hot. I look at Jess, who is pulling the dress over her head carefully. I let her sit on the bed and let Jess finish. "Should we move her somewhere differently?" Alphys asks nervously. I pick up Alex again and move her over to the couch. "Done." I simply say and walk over to Sans.

"Oh boy." Jess says. I pick Sans up and stare at him. Well it's bones I guess. I grab him by his ribs for better balance, earning a low moan from him. I almost drop him out of shock. Alphys laughs. "I g-guess ribs are sensitive." She comments. Jess quickly pulls the dress over him and I lay the skeleton down on the bed as fast as possible. I grab the wig and apply it with some 1-day glue Alphys created. It's supposed to stick for one day and then dissolve. The three of us smirk and give each other a high five before returning to our caravan.

This is going to be a great morning



So this chapter has been fun writing. Ha I feel evil.

I just wanted to thank every one of you for reading this story. It's really special to me that people actually take time to read this crap and I'm just very thankful for it :D

If you want to talk to me:

Kik: Esmeemotional

IG: Esmeeeke

idk suggest something I have everything


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