Chapter 13: Rad scout stories

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You: are you dead due the fire of yesterday

You: welp rip sansmaster

Sansmaster: HELLo

Sansmaster: IM NOt DEAD


You: also

You: i noticed this is the 13th day we talk wow

Sansmaster: Wowow

Sansmaster: I can feel it there's gonna happen something unlucky

You: well yes

Sansmaster: Anything happened at yours?

You; yeah

You: my mom called me again

You: and i thought i would pick up for once and hear what she would want to say

Sansmaster: and?

You: well turns out it was my dad calling

You: and telling me what screwup i am

You: so yeah my day was great

You: note the sarcasm

Sansmaster: alex you're not a screwup ok

Sansmaster: trust moi

You: ugh i just feel like shit rn

Sansmaster: well you can talk to me

You: thanks

You: i mean like why do i matter

You: I'm just some random girl

Sansmaster: alex stop

Sansmaster: i honestly care a lot about you okay

Sansmaster: and you're not some random girl to me

Sansmaster: so don't think about yourself like that just because your dad says that about you

You: thanks sans

Sansmaster: don't mention it

You: (I'm probably gonna mention this)

You: anything happened at yours?

You: something that's not incredibly depressing?

Sansmaster: well

Sansmaster: uh i had a nightmare again and I'm running on 1 hour of sleep rn with a shitload of caffeine in my system

Sansmaster: and Papyrus drunk some coffee

Sansmaster: he kept shouting GOOD SHIT GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE

You: He swears?

Sansmaster: Well only when needed

You: and he needs to swear when he drinks coffee


You: IKR

You: let me just order a whip cream caramel iced coffee with extra healthy powder and milk and sugar and some extra chocolate

You: - not me

Sansmaster: yeah what is up with the weird coffees this day

Sansmaster: i literally have milk and coffee that's it

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