Chapter 29: Tour life

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I awaken and immediately notice the breath of someone else in my ear. I open my eyes and notice that it was light outside already. Wait, I am outside. I then notice the pressure on my chest and see a certain skeleton laying on it with his eyes closed and snoring. His legs were tangled with mine and he has his arms wrapped around my shoulders as he is laying on my boobs.
Great, the two of you had fallen asleep at the campfire and somehow slept like this? Well I actually thought the couch was fine but whatever.

I suddenly hear a snicker coming from behind me and try to turn my head around. Of course I see Undyne and Alphys trying to hold their laughs. I give them the 'help me' look. They shake their heads and sit down on a log. Whatever, I'll do this myself.

I try to get his body off me, but his grip is too tight and he only shakes his head a bit, being comfortable in my chest. Well this is not helping. "Sans?" I call out, trying to get him awake. I don't get a response so I look at Undyne and Alphys again. They both have their phones out and are taking pictures.

"Guys can you help me for a sec?" I say to them, hoping they would hear the fear of waking him up and being all awkward in my voice. They shake their heads again and laugh quietly at themselves.

"Sans?" I try again. This isn't going to work or is it? He certainly is a heavy sleeper. I now notice I'm lying directly next to the campfire. The warmth is still coming off it, while it isn't burning. "Sans?" I say again, somewhat louder. The giggles of the couple behind you get louder as well. "Sans!" I now shout.

He awakens and moves his head in your breasts and sees where he actually is: On top of me. "u-uh oh god." He says and quickly gets off me. I get up as well and am not ready to look at him already. "sorry for that." Sans apologizes and shrugs. "though, that was the breast night sleep yet on this tour." He grins and pushes his hands in his pockets.

I snicker. "You're unbelievable." I say and turn to Alphys and Undyne. They laugh as they see your face. "Well we have great pictures now. We'll leave and let the two of you be!" Undyne says and picks Alphys like the night before and runs away. "Do they do that often?" I ask Sans and turn his way again.

"the pictures or the picking up and running away?" Sans asks and sits down on the log again.

"Both?" I ask and hear my stromach rumble. Probably because I havent even eaten breakfast yet.

"yes and yes. by the way, wanna get something to eat?" He asks and stands up. He holds out a bony hand which you gladly take and walk towards his camper. Is it our camper now? I wonder.. The two of us enter the camper and walk over to the kitchen. "so.. want bread or something?" He asks awkwardly and tosses you the sac with bread in it.

"Sure." I say and grab a slice of bread out of the sac and return it to Sans. "have any toppings you like?" He asks. This is my moment to shine. "Oh those are the yeast of my worries." I say and imitate the comedic wink Sans always gives me. He snickers. "I like peanut butter." I say and get handed the peanut butter.

After that you have eaten, you dress up for a new day. By dress up I mean sweatpants, and by new day I mean that we have to ride for almost the whole day. Tour life. Mettaton eventually announces everyone is free to go the next location. Sans and me are the first to go. We talked about this while eating breakfast and came up with a rather amazing plan.

I would first drive for an hour, and Sans would sleep. Then Sans would drive for an hour and I would sleep. We will repeat those steps until we are there and be the fittest couple there. Wait.. not a couple. Friendly couple.

I sit at the drivers seat and put the key in the keyhole in order to start the car. "By the way, I packed a shit ton of books in the bag with the important shit in it!" I shout, unaware of Sans' location.

"the blue one right?" He asks back. "Yeah the blue one!" I shout once again and begin driving off the terrain. "got it! Harry Potter and the philosophers stone here I come!" Sans excitedly says and probably is off to reads on his bed.

Fun fact: I can actually see Sans reading in the mirror of the car. I hope we don't die because I'm existentially looking at him. I grin and ride onto a highway. I'm getting followed by Undyne's camper I notice while adjusting the car mirrors. Welp. All pressure is on me now.

I yawn and drink a bit of my coffee. Oh hell we will be in for a long ride.

But yeah, that's tour life for ya. 

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