Chapter 59: This all started with a riddle

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After the message, the ball was soon broken up and people ran away from the terrain. Everyone part from the group of monsters and Jess I am friends with. 

Everyone basically rushed into the truck, sitting down on the ground and beds (which are actually couches) and looking at Sans and me. Mettaton comes in too, with a phone in his hand. "Darlings, another truck should be arriving soon." He announces and looks surprisingly calm. "Good. I'll make some tea to calm all of us down." Asgore says and stands up to make some tea. 

Some time later, only me, Jess, Undyne, Alphys and Sans are left in the truck. "So what's the plan?" Undyne asks. Jess looks at her questioningly. "I guess we have some things to explain." I say to Jess. "Wanna get involved in this mess?" I ask. She nods her head slowly. "Kay then. Where to start?" I say and drink some of my tea. "Okay so it all begin with a riddle. And a bombing. We eventually got one more riddle. The sender and bomber was this audio guy Bacchus." I say and think. What can I say more? "Oh and we recently found out Bacchus is posessed by Gaster, Sans' dad." I finish. 

Jess looks at me in awe, then at Sans, then at Alphys and Undyne. "And he has been bombing this entire time?" She asks. "yup. it's been mainly gaster trying to kill me and paps though. the guy wants to kill his 'mistakes'." Sans says somberly. I wrap an arm around him and kiss him on the cheek. "No more being cute you two, we have a riddle to solve." Undyne says and separates us. Well then. 

"Hold on." Jess says and runs outside. I look questioningly at the three monsters in front of us and eventually decide that if she doesn't come back in ten minutes, we'll look for her. 

[ Jess's POV ]

Meanwhile, Jess is running towards the little cabin used by the audio guys on the terrain. She'd spotted that when she was dancing with Napstablook, which she really had yet to thank for the great night though. She knocked on the door, which were soon opened by one of the audio guys. He was quite handsome judging by Jess. Also, he was holding a bowl with instant noodles in his hand. "Are you Bacchus?" She asks the guy. He shakes no. "Nah, he's in some fancy hotel for Christmas man." The guys says and attempts to shut the door. Jess quickly places her foot in the gap and looks at him. "Do you know the name?" She asks. "Yeah, it's 'the grand sky' or something." He answers. Jess removes her feet and takes out her phone to gooble the adress. She thanks the guy and backs away from the cabin. "All right, it's a ten minute walk, which will be a five minute run from here." She says to herself and begins running. 

When she is standing in front of the hotel, note: Very fancy hotel, she walks into it and walks over to an employee. "Hey, uhm.. I'm searching for Bacchus?" She asks. The employee nods and walks over to a writing desk and looks into few papers. "Should I fetch him or do you prefer to leave a message?" The employee asks. "Would you please fetch him? Thanks." Jess says politely and waits on a bench for the man. She tangles her finger in her curly hair and begins humming some tone. A while later, the employee comes back with a shocked emotion plastered on their face. "I think you might want to see this." They say and take Jess to the hotel room. 

Jess gasps at the sight of Bacchus' dead body laying on the floor. 



Hhahhaah plot plot

Im so cruel fuck

Oh btw angst incoming lol




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