Chapter 27: Bye?

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I arrived with Jess at the nearly empty terrain. Undyne was awaiting us with a big grin plastered on her face and lead the both of us towards a field with three campers on it. "Jess right?" She asks my friend while walking there excitedly.

"The one and only." She answers with a smile on her face.

I honestly hope that Mettaton is there for her. That'd be amazing. Well or not, because she could just rip my arm off from fangirling unintentionally.

The three of us eventually reached the field and were greeted by a stuttering Alphys, an almost dozing off, but smiling Sans and a hyperactive Papyrus. I looked at Jess, whose face turned sad for one second. She looked at me and smiles. "I'm gonna miss you girly." She says and hugs me tightly. I hugged back and sobbed a little.

She had done so much for me. And now I would leave her for five months. "Hey I'm back in five months. I'm gonna miss you too Jesserific." I smile and let go of her.

"Well I'll leave then. Have fun you guys! I enjoyed the show." Jess says and turns around.

Suddenly, a loud firework explodes in the sky, causing our group to look up. "HELLO DARLINGS!" A voice said from behind the camper.

Jess looks at me. Then at the camper, and then at me. I swear that she was clinging onto me in a second and grabbing me tightly. I shot Sans a look. He only smiled and pointed at Jessica. I look in her direction again, and see her face. She's sobbing.

Mettaton comes out from behind the camper and walks to me and Jess. He shakes her hand and kisses her cheek. "Hello darling." Mettaton says.

"M-Met.. Mettaton!" Jess says while not trying to sob or fangirl. She obviously failed and starts shaking.

"Did you enjoy my show?" Mettaton says and kneels down for her. Fun fact: Jess is only 5'4 tall, which makes her quite small unlike me, I am 5'8, which Jess would describe as a 'Tall noodle' or 'a giant'.

I decide to leave her with Mettaton and walk over to Sans. He grins and looks at me. "Did you arrange this?" I whisper. He nods and continues watching the snow.

Jess is almost at breaking point I notice. "So darling, I have a special present for you." Mettaton says and strikes a dramatic pose. Yup, Jess is sobbing now. Alphys comes walking to Jess and hands her a big bag. "This, my darling is filled with all the upcoming merchandise."
Jess nods and puts her hand to her mouth. "I hope you like it darling! I must go now! Goodbye!" Mettaton says and poses, before running away majestically.

Jess breaks down while running to me and Sans. She pulls the two of us in a big hug and sobs in Sans' blue jacket. Sans seems to be cool with it and pat her back softly.

"T-Thank y-you!" Jess says gratefully and looks at me.

"Hey don't thank me, thank Sans. He arranged it." I say and look at Sans, whose cheekbones turn into a slight tint of blue.

"Oh Sans.. C'mere!" Jess says and pulls him into a hug again. Sans laughs. When Jess pulls back, she dries her tears and looks at me and Sans. "Protect Alex okay? She's clumsy." I laugh and hit her playfully. "Well it's my time to go. Thanks. I'll call you every day okay?" Jess says and gives me one last hug.

"Promise." I say. With that, she turns around and waves to the group. "Bye!" she says and walks away.

"so.." Sans adds, trying to make conversation.

"So boneboy?" I say and give him a nervous look. I'm all on my own now. Well, not own, but I honestly don't know what to do without Jess.

"wanna see the camper?" He asks and grabs a suitcase.

"Sure." I say and grab the other suitcase. Wow, only two suitcases with my shit in it. In one, were the clothes I owned, and in the other the more necessary stuff as in a laptop and all my chargers.

Sans and I walk towards a (really) big, white camper. Sans unlocks it with the keys in his pocket and holds open the door. "ladies first." He says and let me go in first. My eyes widen when I see where I will stay for the time being.
On the left, there is a two person's bed. On the right, there is a small kitchen, the bathroom and a really good looking couch.

"Nice." I compliment him and drop my suitcase next to the couch.

"want something to drink?" Sans offers and drops my suitcase next to the other. He walks to the kitchen. I accept and he pours two glasses of water. He returns and hands me one. "well this day was interesting." He chuckles.

"Jesus yes." I agree and take a sip of my water. "I mean like I get a job, get to go on a tour with my friends and just what?"

"how late is it anyway?" Sans asks suddenly and looks at me.

"Dunno.. My phone is still in my suitcase." I explain and sit down on the couch. The couch is very soft and sits good at the same time. For short: Heaven. Sans takes out his phone and sees the time. "it's 3 am already. we'd better head to bed. you're still a newbie an you'll need your energy." He laughs and stands up to wash his glass and sets it in the cupboard again.

"Good plan." I agree and stand beside him to wash mine and place it in the cupboard just like him.

"wait can you drive?" Sans asks and looks at me hopefully. Oh right, he wants to switch driving with me so that he won't be exhausted all day.

"Yup. You get the time to sit down on your bony ass for once." I laugh and begin searching for a pyjama in the suitcase. I look up when I see Sans walking in circles. "Something eating you?"

"ugh, no.. I just have the feeling I forgot something to do but I can't get what?" He says and looks at me with an uncertain face.

I laugh when I realize what it probably is. "Hmm.. Maybe you forgot to chat with your internetfriend?" I say and watch his expression turn to pure happiness.

Sans laughs. "oh yeah right!" He walks off to the bedroom. "I'll give you some privacy here." Sans says and closes the door of the bedroom.

I sigh and begin to undress. I pull out a shirt with a picture of an 8-bit heart out of the suitcase and some shorts and dress myself in it. Welp, 5 months sleeping on the couch, here we go! "I'm not naked anymore!" I shout and begin pulling out my sleeping bag out of the suitcase. Sans enters the room again.

Suddenly, there is knocking on the door. "DID SOMEONE SAY NAKED?!" A very familiar fish lady voice says and enters the camper.

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