Chapter 53: dad

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I woke up with my arms wrapped around the skeleton who was laying in front of me. Sans was still asleep and had his arms tightly wrapped around my waist. I open my eyes and smile at his sleeping face. I grab Sans' phone, which had been laying next to him and see it's 1:32 PM already. "Sans?" I whisper and pinch his cheek. He grumbles and buries his skull into my shoulder. "Sans get up I can't move." I whisper again and tap on his skull with my nail. "stop.. feels weird. five more minutes." He says in a raspy tone and removes my hand from his skull by grabbing it and holding it tightly. Since I don't really feel like waiting five minutes, evil plans begin to form in my head.

I smirk and get closer to Sans's collarbone and lick it really slowly. With my hand, I slowly rub his rib. I feel him shudder, groan and open his eyes and remove his hands. "You awake now?" I smirk and zip open the sleeping bag. "nope. I'm still sleeping." He says and closes his eye sockets again. I sigh as he grabs my waist and just give in to the extra hours of sleep.

"NYEH SANS AND ALEX YOU HAVE SLEPT FOR TWELVE HOURS ALREADY!? GET UP!" Obviously Papyrus shouts at us after sleeping in. I open my eyes and get greeted by Papyrus, arms crossed and his usual expression on his face. "Morning Paps." I say and get out of the sleeping bag. "SANS YOU TOO!" Papyrus groans as I am putting on some pants. "I'm up already jeez." Sans groans and turns. "NO, NO, NO! THERE IS SOMEONE FOR YOU AT THE DOOR!" Papyrus shouts and lifts Sans out of the comfortable pile of cloth. "who is it?" Sans asks as he quickly puts on a shirt and a sweater. "IT'S BARUS? I DON'T KNOW, I FORGOT HIS NAME."

I look anxiously at the door, then at Papyrus. "Bacchus?" I suggest. Papyrus turns around with a smile. "YES THAT IS THE NAME. NOW GO OUTSIDE YOU TWO!" He continues and pushes us outside the door.

The old man with short, brown, curly hair and a beard was sitting with his head between his knees when we came outside. "Hey are you all right?" I say and sit next to him. Wait i should look out. This dude almost choked me to death. "I'm sorry." He says with a trembling voice. "I.. I hear voices y-you see." He continues. I look at Sans with a questioning expression and turn back to the man. "Voices?" I question. Sans sits next to me and observes the man.

"One voice." Bacchus says and looks at me. His face is stained with tears and he has red and puffy eyes from crying. "A month ago, a m-man.. no, rather... shadow? Approached me in my sleep." Bacchus starts. "It promised me life.. for my soul?" He says. Sans's mouth drops. "I accepted the offer.. I have lung cancer you see? I have two kids and a loving wife. I can't let them behind when I die. My one kid is three.. and the o-other.. is seven." Bacchus says before crying. I pat him on his back. "This shadow takes over my body sometimes.. I don't know what is happening to me. That is why I came here." He explains.

"what does the shadow look like?" Sans questions. I look at him with a 'what-the-fuck-why-would-you-say-this-right-now-face' and shake my head. "It's.. b-black w-with a skull sha-ped h-h-head. The e-eyes are p-pretty misformed." He says and sobs. "I dont know w-what is happening to me. C-Can you t-two help me?" Bacchus asks and looks at me hopefully while tears are streaming down his face.

"I think we can." I say. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." He says gratefully and shakes my hand before walking away again. "What does the shadow look like? Really Sans?" I say and walk inside again. "it's gaster." He says and sits on the couch. "Who?"

"gaster. he's back."



beep boop

that was fun

okay haha




haha prepare for pain people

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