Chapter 66: When ur exercising and u meet a model

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"you ok?" Sans says as we teleport into the hotel room. 

I hug him and sob. "N-No?" He pats my back softly, making me calm down. 

"I'll call room service and then we'll just chill all right?" The skeleton smiles at me and takes out his phone. "Right." I give him a little smile. "pizza?" Sans asks. "Pizza." I reply. "Wow maybe pizza could be our always." I laugh and grab my laptop. "if i had a dollar for every time you have said that i'd be wearing timbs." He jokes. "Get off the meme tumblr tag." I say and get myself comfortable on the bed.

So after approximately half an hour later, we are sitting on the bed, eating a mozzarella pizza and watching some youtube. "hey wanna skype paps? see how he's doin'?" Sans asks. I just nod (i'm shoving a whole pizza slice in my mouth don't even try to judge me). Sans opens his skype and calls Papyrus. "Hey how come we never skyped though when we were internet friends?" I ask. Ring.. Ring.. "dunno. i guess i never really thought about it? i hardly skype anyway." 

"HELLO SANS?" I hear Papyrus shout from the laptop, of course I jump and let the pizza fall off the bed. "Fucking jesus on a shower stick." I swear and pick up the pizza. I hear female laughter from the laptop. I look up and see a (super super super) pretty girl next to Papyrus. "heya." Sans says. I get back on the bed. "Hey!" I wave. Okay so 30 seconds into the skype call and I'm already feeling awkward. Good going Alex.

"so who's your girlfriend?" Sans boldly asks. I kick him under the sheet and he laughs. I lay my head on his shoulder and look at the girl. She has a really nice moderate brown skin tone with hazel brown eyes and dark chocolate brown hair. It's very flowey but curly on the ends. She laughs. "Oh I'm Cailyn." Cailyn smiles. "I MET HER WHILE EXERCISING IN THE PARK! SHE WAS MAKING PHOTOS OF HERSELF!" Papyrus shouts excitedly "Don't take that out of context." Cailyn laughs. "No but I was doing a photoshoot there." "So you're like a model?" I ask. "Plus size model actually." She replies. "BY THE WAY, THE HOUSE SMELLS DELICIOUS! WE MADE COOKIES!" Papyrus laughs. 

"Send us some!" I beg. "yeah all we got here is a luxe room and room service but we definitely need your cookies." Sans remarks sarcastically. "HOW WAS THE WEDDING?" Papyrus changes the subject. "Wait did those two get married?" Cailyn joins. "O-Oh no we didn't! A cousin of mine did though!" I laugh and blush. Sans wraps an arm around me and kisses my forehead. "the coffee was good." Sans says. 

"so waddaya gonna do now?" He asks Papyrus. "WELL WE WERE ACTUALLY GOING TO BE WATCHING A MOVIE WHEN YOU CALLED SO WE WILL CONTINUE DOING THAT. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONCERN BROTHER!" Papyrus beams. Sans puts the speakers down a little. "We were going to too actually." I laugh. "Which one where you watching?" I ask. "Oh we were going to watch the wolf of wallstreet." Cailyn says casually. "oh my god." Sans whispers, so that Cailyn and Pap can't hear it. "Wanna watch it too?" I ask. "sure." 

So after skyping, Sans closes the laptop and lays on my chest. "Didn't know Papyrus likes that kind of movies." Sans laughs. I can feel his ribcage vibrate a little. It's a nice feeling. "Hmm?" I say and stroke his skull. "like crime movies with nudity in them. has he grown up that fast?" Sans says. "Nudity?" I laugh. "I have seen that movie and it's only a couple of boobs. Nothing big. "well some of them were pretty big." 

"You spork." 

"at least im a cool spork."

"Super cool."


lol here's cailyn

idk i wrote this chapter at 1 am and somehow its 5:30 am now i just keep procrastinating i need to stop

and i need sleep


fuck me

or not


what you prefer

or something



oh by the way i thought this was chapter 68 so they were actually gonna fuck after this chapter idk what to do now i might just skip 2 chapters lol idk


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