Chapter 30: Shark movies

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Finally it was my turn to doze off for a hour while Sans is driving the carvan. I practically let myself fall on his bed and feel something moving. Little snoring sounds come from the white thing and I immediately remember he has a cat.
The white cat moves to my belly and makes little purrs as I stroke his fur. I quickly fall asleep after a while with taco still with me.

After approximately a hour, I was being woken up by a deep voice. "make room. it's your turn." Sans yawns and jumps in bed beside me. I yawn as well and stand up to get some coffee first and then take my place on the drivers seat.

This proces continued for about five times before stopping by a restaurant with the rest of the group including Undyne, Alphys, Papyrus, Sans and me. Mettaton couldn't come for some reason. Probably paparazzi.

I walk to Sans to get him out of bed again. "Boneboy wake up. We're gonna get something to eat." I say and shake him lightly. He groans and places the pillow over his skull. "five more minutes." He grumbles. "Not today sleepybones! I'm hungry." I say and pull his arm. "okay okay. jeez woman."

A while later, the five of you are in a restaurant. Just a simple one with simple food. The waitress comes walking towards us and smiles. "What can I get y'all?" She asks and smiles really forced. She probably doesn't like monsters but has to smile from her boss. Welp, deal with it.

"NYEH! CAN I GET SPAGHETTI MISS?" Papyrus shouts which shocks the waitress a bit. She soon recovers with the forced smile and writes it down. "C-Can I g-get a club s-sandwich w-with chicken?" Alphys orders and looks at Undyne. "The same for me!" Undyne says and slams the table with her fist, which also shocks the waitress.

"Okay.. And what do you two want to eat?" She politely asks while scribbling their orders down on the little notepad she held in her left hand.
"Oh uh.. For me the club sandwich with smoked salmon." I order and smile as she writes my order down. The waitress looks at Sans who is grinning. "I'll have what the pretty lady is having." Sans says and points his finger guns at me. He winks and I giggle a bit.

"Dude you two are so shamelessly flirting it's making me sick." Undyne whines and lays a shoulder around Alphys.

"Well I can always eat your sandwich as you are apparently sick." I say back and grin. Sans bends over the table to give me a high five. I high five back and laugh. Undyne is giving me a little smile as well.

"SO WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO MARRY?" Papyrus asks Undyne and Alphys. Alphys is practically glowing bright red while Undyne is grinning mad. "I don't know. Alphys, when are we gonna marry?" Undyne asks and kisses her cheek. Their relationship is goals. "M-m-m-marry?" Alphys nervously asks and hides her face in her sweater.

A few minutes later the food arrives and I thank the waiter. I take a huge bite of my sandwich and hum in approvement. The others are beginning to eat their food as well. Papyrus frowns at the spaghetti and takes a bite. "Not as good as mine I'm afraid." Papyrus mumbles. He can actually mumble? I chuckle and eat the rest of my sandwich.

Later back in the caravan Sans decides to drive the last part which only consists of a few miles. I just sit in the passenger seat and talk to him until we arrive. "Want coffee?" I ask and stand up, deciding I already need more caffeine in my system. He nods but keeps his eyes still on the road. He's actually a pretty good driver. I make coffee for myself and him and walk back to the passenger seat and place the cups in the cup holders.

Late at night, we  finally arrive and begin heading for bed as someone knocks on the door. "DARLINGS~?" A rather familiar voice says. I open the door and see the one and only Mettaton standing in the doorway. "Sup." I casually say. How the fuck am I even supposed to communicate with him? He's a superstar and my boss?

Mettaton holds up a big paper sac and poses in the doorway. The sac is much like the one he got for Jess, only bigger. "I have got your working clothes!" He says and winks flirtatiously. Ew. I take the sac and smile at him. "Thanks!" I say politely. How to communicate with him. Send me a tutorial of it please. "No problem darling! I will go now, Papy dear misses me~" He says and walks off.

Sans comes to stand beside me and mimics himself puking. "How come you don't like him though?" I ask as he is getting up from the ground. "I just don't really trust him with my bro. I dunno." He casually says and jumps on the couch, at the place where my sleeping bag is laying. Taco also joins him by laying on his ribcage. Sans lazily smiles and strokes the white fur of the cat. He yawns as Taco jumps off him and comes walking to me. "wanna head to bed?" Sans proposes and looks at me.

"Nah, not very tired. I have gotten like five hours of sleep during the day." I say and shake my head lightly. I walk to my suitcase and unpack my trusty laptop. "I'll just watch some Netflix until I fall asleep." I say and get in the sleeping bag.

"cool. I'll join." Sans says and sits beside me. "waddaya wanna watch?" He says as I am logging into Netflix.

"I don't know.. A movie or something." I say and click on random movies until I have found the perfect one. "Ever seen sharknado?" I smirk. Sans shakes no and I click on the movie. Well let's watch a movie about sharks and tornadoes then.

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